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Your question is not title and therefore not properly structured. Only the first word in a sentence needs to be capitalized. If it was meant to be a title, you failed to capitalize the words "you" and "your"; your adjectives and prepositions need not be capitalized. By your question, you are pointing your index finger at me. Do that as if I was standing in front of you. How many fingers do you see pointing at you? Please don't throw stones at others. Your question also indicates that this is my planet, i.e., "your Planet?"; please get off of my planet that I am sharing with others.

Should you decide to remain on "OUR" planet, remember to do your part in saving our world by teaching others instead of blaming others. Lead by example and others will follow in your footsteps; start - one person at a time.

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Q: Why Do you Continue To Allow The Destruction Of your Planet?
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What are the themes of death of the rainforest by cecil rajendra?

Some of the key themes in "Death of the Rainforest" by Cecil Rajendra include environmental destruction, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and the impact of human activities on the natural world. The poem highlights the urgency of preserving rainforests and the consequences of their destruction on the planet's ecosystems and indigenous communities.

Newton learned that the orbits of planets are the result of what two forces?

Newton learned that the orbits of planets are the result of the gravitational force between the planet and the Sun, which causes the planet to move in an elliptical orbit, and the planet's inertia, which causes it to continue moving in a straight line.

What are the causes of the destruction of resources of the earth?

The destruction of Earth's resources can be caused by activities such as deforestation, overfishing, pollution, and unsustainable agriculture practices. These activities can lead to loss of biodiversity, degradation of ecosystems, and depletion of natural resources, ultimately impacting the planet's ability to support life.

In which film do the words I love you save the planet earth?

The film you are referring to is "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951). The alien protagonist Klaatu, played by Michael Rennie, delivers the message of peace and love to humanity, which ultimately saves the planet from destruction.

What will happen if you continue to pollute the ocean?

Continued pollution of the ocean can lead to devastating effects on marine life such as habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, disrupted food chains, and increased health risks for both marine organisms and humans who rely on the ocean for resources. It can also result in long-lasting environmental damage that is difficult to reverse.

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What do you think smartie? The earth will eventually run out of resources if you continue to harm the planet...destruction, hard living....duh? We will harm future generations.

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