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Angsiah Brown. He discovered that stalagtites and stalagmites do grow 1 cm every 1,000 years.

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Some famous mineralogists include Georgius Agricola, renowned for his work in the field of mineralogy during the Renaissance period, Friedrich Mohs, who introduced the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, and Bertrand Streit Biltgen, known for his contributions to mineralogy and crystallography.

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What tools do mineralogists use?

Mineralogists use various tools such as microscopes, spectrometers, X-ray diffraction equipment, and mineral identification charts to study and analyze minerals. These tools help them identify different minerals, understand their properties, and determine their composition and structure.

What is a person that studies minerals?

A person who studies minerals is called a mineralogist. Mineralogists analyze the physical and chemical properties of minerals to understand their formation, composition, and characteristics. They often work in fields such as geology, mining, and environmental science.

Where do mineralogists study?

Mineralogists study minerals in a variety of settings, including laboratories, universities, museums, and field research sites such as mines and natural mineral deposits. They use a combination of techniques to analyze the composition, structure, and properties of minerals to understand their formation and characteristics.

What are the benefits of being a mineralogist?

Mineralogists get to study the composition, structure, and properties of minerals, which is crucial for fields like geology, materials science, and environmental science. They can also contribute to the discovery of new mineral resources and help in understanding Earth's processes. Additionally, mineralogists often have opportunities for fieldwork and travel to research and collect samples.

About how many minerals have mineralogists identified?

Mineralogists have identified over 5,000 different minerals to date. New minerals continue to be discovered and described regularly through ongoing research and exploration.

Related questions

Who are famous mineralogists?

Angsiah Brown. He discovered that stalagtites and stalagmites do grow 1 cm every 1,000 years.

What are some famous mineralogists?

Mineralogists are basically scientists that study minerals and crystals. One famous mineralogist is Angsiah Brown, who discovered that stalactites and stalagmites never stop growing, and grow about 1 cm every thousand years. They are the slowest growing mineral. Most mineralogists are not famous, and are rarely classified as notable This is because there is not much to discover after finding minerals. Also, things like light and electricity has a great impact on our daily life, whereas minerals and crystals don't. THIS REPORT IS FOR CHILDREN. Thanks for reading, Chocolate Truffle, 11 (Not real name, real age)

Kind of scientists?

Mineralogists, paleontologists,

What do we call a scientist who studies minerals?


Which scientists study mineralogy?

mineralogists study mineralogy. :)

How much money do mineralogists make?

2 million

Why do mineralogists call octahedral square bipyramidal?

Cause they just do

Who many years of collage do Mineralogists need?

At least four years.

What can mineralogists use to see if it is a mineral or not?

Minerals come in different shapes and sizes. Mineralogists have to see if it's a real mineral this is what they do.1. Look at the color2. Do a streak test3. They can shine it in ultraviolet light4. They can test how hard it is-Science Whiz

What are some mineralogists?

Some notable mineralogists include Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who made contributions to mineralogy while also being a writer and statesman, and James Dwight Dana, who is known for his work on crystal structures and mineral classification. William Hallowes Miller developed the Miller indices system for crystallography and is considered a pioneer in the field of crystallography.

Why would a mineralogists use Moh's Hardness Scale?

Because it's the most accurate ...!

What do mineralogist do?

Mineralogists study minerals, their composition, structure, and properties. They identify and classify minerals, investigate their formation processes, and analyze their geological significance. Mineralogists also work in industries such as mining, environmental consulting, and materials science.