sand has more porosity because sand has a very smaller particle size than dirt. relatively, the smaller the particle size, the higher the porosity. clay has the highest porosity than other soils. sand has high porosity. dirt has low porosity
Sand and dirt are not the same thing. Sand is composed of granules of rock or mineral particles that are larger than silt but smaller than gravel. On the other hand, dirt is a mixture of organic matter, minerals, and other materials that can vary in composition and texture.
Gravel typically weighs more than sand because gravel is composed of larger and denser particles compared to sand. The weight of sand can vary depending on factors such as moisture content and particle size.
A yard of dry sand typically weighs more than a yard of dry gravel. Sand particles are smaller and more densely packed, while gravel consists of larger particles with more empty space between them, leading to gravel being less dense overall.
Gravel is typically heavier than sand, and therefore gravel would be heavier than both clay and sand. This is because gravel consists of larger-sized particles and has a higher density compared to clay and sand.
No, sand is not gravel. Sand is composed of small particles with sizes ranging from 0.0625 mm to 2 mm, while gravel consists of larger particles ranging from 2 mm to 75 mm in diameter.
dirt gravel because it has some nutrients in it and gravel does not.
Sand and gravel can be separated by sifting them through a mesh, that will allow the sand to fall through, but will hold back the gravel.
my guess is: straw, clay, dirt, very fine sand, and gravel
Sand and dirt are not the same thing. Sand is composed of granules of rock or mineral particles that are larger than silt but smaller than gravel. On the other hand, dirt is a mixture of organic matter, minerals, and other materials that can vary in composition and texture.
Titan does not have dirt or gravel like Earth. Its surface is mostly composed of icy materials such as water ice and hydrocarbons, with some regions covered by dunes of organic sand particles.
Gravel typically weighs more than sand because gravel is composed of larger and denser particles compared to sand. The weight of sand can vary depending on factors such as moisture content and particle size.
No. They can only pick up grass, dirt, sand, gravel, etc.
A dumper truck is used to carry and transport materials such as gravel, dirt and sand in construction. You can get more information about dumper trucks at the Wikipedia.
Depending on the size of the grain of sand, sand is best. It holds more moisture then dirt does.
A yard of dry sand typically weighs more than a yard of dry gravel. Sand particles are smaller and more densely packed, while gravel consists of larger particles with more empty space between them, leading to gravel being less dense overall.
Sand and gravel are dug out of open quarries on the surface.
Gravel and sand are broken rocks.