New York. The big industries have negative pollution effects on the atmosphere that travel west to east.
The Northeastern region of the Continental US, particularly areas like the Appalachian Mountains and the Northeast corridor from Virginia to Maine, is most affected by acid rain. This is due to a combination of factors including high population density, industrial activity, and the prevailing wind patterns that carry pollutants from the Midwest.
Rocks containing carbonate (CO2) are highly affected by acid rain. Limestone (CaCO2) is a very common carbonate rock.
Limestone and marble rocks are most affected by acid rain because they contain calcium carbonate, which reacts with acid rain (sulfuric acid and nitric acid) to form soluble compounds that dissolve easily. This process leads to the erosion and deterioration of the rocks over time.
The region with the most acid rain is generally considered to be East Asia, particularly China and parts of Southeast Asia. This is due to factors such as heavy industrialization, coal burning, and vehicle emissions in these areas leading to high levels of air pollution and acid rain formation.
The global winds that blow across most of the continental U.S. are called the westerlies. They are winds that blow from west to east at mid-latitudes, typically between 30 and 60 degrees latitude. These winds influence weather patterns and play a role in shaping climate in this region.
Yes, aquatic systems can be affected by acid rain. When acid rain falls into bodies of water, it can lower the pH levels, harming aquatic organisms such as fish, plants, and algae. This can disrupt the ecosystem and lead to declines in biodiversity.
The Canadian shield
The lungs
Climate most directly affected agriculture.
The Canadian Shield
mississippi floodplain region
Continental Interior
Continental Europe is also referred as Mainland Europe. It does not include the islands of Europe.
All of Andalucia is the southern most Autonomous Region in continental Spain.
Gold is one metal that is not affected by most acids, including hydrochloric, sulfuric, and nitric acid. This is due to gold's inert nature and its resistance to chemical reactions with acids.
The weather in continental states can be influenced by a variety of factors such as latitude, altitude, proximity to bodies of water, and prevailing wind patterns. States in the Midwest can be affected by severe storms and tornadoes, while states in the northern region may experience harsh winters with heavy snowfall. In coastal states, the weather can be influenced by ocean currents and tropical storms.
It grew in population because displaced farmers from region 2 moved there.