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Nova Scotia is the province in Canada that has borders on both fresh water (Atlantic Ocean) and salt water (Bay of Fundy).

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Q: Which province has borders on fresh water and salt water?
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How do fresh water and salt water form layers?

Fresh water and salt water form layers due to differences in density. Salt water is denser than fresh water, so when they come into contact, the salt water sinks beneath the fresh water, creating distinct layers. This process is known as stratification.

What type of water in a rainforest salt water or fresh water?

Rainforest water is typically fresh water, derived from rainfall, rivers, and streams. Salt water bodies such as oceans and seas are not present within a rainforest ecosystem.

Is there more fresh water than salt water on the earth surface?

No, salt water accounts for about 97% of Earth's water, while fresh water only makes up about 3%. This fresh water is primarily found in ice caps, glaciers, lakes, and underground aquifers.

What is it called when salt and fresh water meet?

Short answer:When fresh water meets salt water and they mix, the result is brackish water.(See related questions for a discussion of the variety of places where this occurs.)The name of a place where salt water and fresh water mix is often an estuary which is a partially enclosed region usually near the mouth of a river. (See related link.)More:An estuary is a partially enclosed area where a fresh water source such as a river flows into a salt water body such as a sea or ocean. The area is termed an estuary if both ocean and salt water influxes substantially determine the nature of the body of water, hence it would normally be partially enclosed and retaining a significant portion of fresh water influx that is not immediately diluted into the seawater.Estuaries are often both interesting biological systems and interesting geological formations.Note: For the more general question of where fresh and salt water meet, see related questions.Note: If one is interested in the halocline, which is a strong vertical gradient of salt concentration form sometimes at the interface of fresh water and salt water, then that is a different question.estuaryBrackwater

Is there more fresh water than salt water on the earth?


Related questions

Contrast salt water and fresh water?

Fresh and salt water are very different for one key reason, fresh water doesn't contain salt and salt water obviously does. There are different flora and fauna in fresh and salt water for this reason.

Dose a swimmer float better in fresh salt water or non fresh salt water?

on fresh salt water

What is salt water and fresh water?

Salt water is water that has salt in it and it is found in oceans. Fresh water does not have salt and is found in rivers and lakes.

Is the Jordan river fresh water or salt water?

salt water

Salt water and fresh water difference?

Salt water is basically just fresh water with salt mixed in.

Salt water and fresh water differences?

Salt water is basically just fresh water with salt mixed in.

Does Peru have fresh water or salt water?

Peru has both Fresh and Salt water. Salt Water in the ocean and Fresh in lakes, streams, and on the mountains.

What includes fresh and salt water?

Salt water contain salt, fresh water is practically pure.

Is cape code bay fresh or salt water?

Cape Cod Bay in Massachusetts is a salt water bay that borders the Atlantic Ocean. On the east shore of this bay is the historic Plymouth Rock.

How is fresh water different from ocean water?

Salt water has salt water in it and is bad for you, fresh water has no salt water in it and is good for you.

What are the differences between salt water and fresh water?

the difference between salt water and fresh water is that salt water is from the ocean and fresh water is water that hasn't gotten to the ocean and so the water is clean, And you can only drink fresh water not salt water

Are crocs fresh or salt water?

There are both salt water and fresh water crocs.