The mineral composition of a rock remains unchanged by mechanical weathering, which only affects the physical structure of the rock by breaking it into smaller pieces or changing its shape.
If the deciduous forest remains unchanged, it will maintain its status as a deciduous forest. Deciduous forests are characterized by trees that shed their leaves each year, and this ecosystem type remains the same as long as the conditions that support it are not significantly altered.
During chemical weathering in a humid environment, feldspar in granite transforms into clay minerals due to hydrolysis, resulting in the breakdown of granite into smaller particles. Quartz, being resistant to weathering, remains relatively unchanged. Minor minerals like micas can also weather, with biotite breaking down into clay minerals while muscovite may weather into vermiculite or kaolinite.
Residual soil is soil that remains above its parent rock, formed by the weathering and erosion of the rock over time. This soil is typically rich in minerals and nutrients that have been released from the parent material through weathering processes. Residual soil often retains similarities in composition and structure to the underlying rock.
If pressure remains unchanged, the volume of the gas will increase when heated. To calculate the new volume, you can use the formula: V2 = V1 * (T2/T1), where V1 is 128 mL, T1 is 20°C, T2 is 40°C, and V2 is the new volume. Plug in the values and solve for V2.
When soil remains on top of its parent rock, it is called residual soil. This type of soil forms directly from the weathering of the underlying rock, without being transported to a new location.
Technically, they do remain unchanged. But as physical weathering of rocks progresses, it can expose the minerals in the cracks to the elements resulting in the disintegration of the rock. The mineral makeup of the rock will then change to agree with the surrounding environment.
The total mechanical energy of the projectile remains unchanged during its flight. This includes both kinetic energy and potential energy.
The frequency of a wave remains unchanged when it enters a different medium. This means that the number of oscillations or cycles that the wave undergoes per unit time remains the same.
Wet bulb temperature
This is the Identity Property so it is the the Additive Identity and Multiplicative Identity.
a. mass b. density c. physical state d. molecular arrangement
remains unchanged
The mass of the object remains unchanged, as it depends only on the amount of matter in the object.
A static character remains essentially unchanged throughout the action of a story. They typically do not undergo significant development or transformation.
It remains intact, unchanged and in uninterrupted use.
The answer is 17,200,000 (remains unchanged).
multiplicative identity