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The primary source of energy responsible for a larger portion of life on earth is the sun. Through photosynthesis, plants convert sunlight into chemical energy that supports the entire food chain, making sunlight essential for life on earth.

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Q: Which primary source of energy is responsible for a larger portion of life on earth?
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What happens to the total energy in a seismic wave as the wave grows increasingly larger?

The total energy in a seismic wave remains constant as the wave grows larger. The energy is spread out over a larger area, resulting in lower energy concentration at any specific point.

What Type of erosion that involves larger portion of loose rock or soil breaking off a mountain?

Mass wasting, also known as mass movement, is the type of erosion that involves the larger portion of loose rock or soil breaking off a mountain due to gravity. This can result in processes like landslides, rockfalls, or slumps.

What is the name given to a portion of land that is nearly surrounded by water and connected with a larger body of land?

A peninsula is a portion of land that is nearly surrounded by water and connected to a larger body of land.

What is the effect of wind energy on waves?

Wind energy can generate waves by transferring energy from the wind to the water's surface. Stronger winds can create larger waves, while wind direction can influence wave direction and quality for surfers. Overall, wind energy plays a significant role in shaping wave conditions in the ocean.

What element has the larger first ionization energy cesium or potassium?

Cesium has a larger first ionization energy compared to potassium. This is because cesium is located further down the periodic table in the alkali metal group, meaning it has a larger atomic radius and a lower effective nuclear charge, both of which make it easier to remove an electron from potassium than from cesium.

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Nuclear fusion is the process in which smaller nuclei combine to form a larger nucleus, releasing energy in the process. This process is the primary source of energy in stars, including our Sun.

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The primary source of energy in our solar system is the Sun. The Sun generates its energy through nuclear fusion reactions in its core, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium, releasing vast amounts of energy in the process.

In an ecosystem which would have a larger population producers or primary consumers?

Producers generally have a larger population compared to primary consumers in an ecosystem. This is because producers, such as plants, algae, and phytoplankton, form the base of the food chain and are able to support a larger number of organisms at higher trophic levels. Primary consumers, such as herbivores, depend on producers for energy and nutrients, so their population size is usually lower than that of producers.

Is the underwater portion of an iceberg bigger than the portion that is visible above water?

No, typically the underwater portion of an iceberg is not bigger than the portion that is visible above water. Icebergs are known to have a larger portion underwater, but this is due to the difference in density between ice and seawater rather than the underwater portion being larger in size.

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The biomass of a tertiary consumer would be smaller than the biomass of a primary consumer. This is because energy is lost as it moves up the food chain through each trophic level. Tertiary consumers have less available energy and biomass compared to primary consumers.

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