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The Ordovician period came first. It started 485.4 million years ago and finished 443.8 million years ago. Then came the Silurian and Devonian periods, followed at 358.9 million years ago by the Carboniferous.

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The Ordovician period came first, starting around 485 million years ago, while the Carboniferous period followed, starting approximately 358 million years ago.

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Q: Which period came first the Ordovician or the Carboniferous?
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Which came first the Jurassic or Triassic period of geologic time?

The Triassic period came before the Jurassic period in geologic time. The Triassic period lasted from around 251 million to 201 million years ago, followed by the Jurassic period, which lasted from around 201 million to 145 million years ago.

In the mississippian period what did the earth surface look like then?

During the Mississippian period, which lasted from around 359 to 318 million years ago, the Earth's surface consisted of vast tropical swamps and shallow seas. These environments were dominated by lush vegetation such as ferns, horsetails, and seed ferns, with the emergence of early forests. The period was characterized by warm temperatures and high sea levels, leading to the deposition of thick layers of limestone, shale, and sandstone.

What came after the triassic period?

After the Triassic period, the Jurassic period followed. The Jurassic period lasted from approximately 201 to 145 million years ago and was characterized by the dominance of dinosaurs, the evolution of new species, and the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea.

What came after the Stuart Period?

The Stuart Period was succeeded by the Georgian Period, named after the successive reigns of Kings George I, George II, George III, and George IV in Britain. This period lasted from 1714 to 1837 and is known for significant political, social, and cultural changes.

What is a description of the Paleozoic era?

The Paleozoic era, lasting from around 541 to 252 million years ago, was characterized by the emergence of a wide diversity of marine life, including early fish and amphibians. It saw the appearance of forests and the colonization of land by plants and animals. The era ended with the largest mass extinction in Earth's history, marking the transition to the Mesozoic era.

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What came after the Ordovician period?

The Silurian period followed the Ordovician period.

What period came after the Cambrian period?

The Ordovician period came after the Cambrian period.

The carboniferous time period came in which era?


What mark did the carboniferous period end?

The Dinosaurs came

Did any plants become extinct during the Carboniferous period?

There is no doubt of it. There were probably millions of plant species that came and went during the Carboniferous.

What period did the continents move together to form Pangaea?

Pangaea came together over a period of time spanning the Carboniferous and Permian periods. It broke up mostly during the Jurassic period.

What group of vertebrates begins life in water ans later lives on land?

Amphibians were the first vertebrates that came out of the water. The first vertebrates that could live outside of the water though were reptiles. or class reptilia this was during the Carboniferous period.

What came first the Mesolithic or the Paleolithic period?

The Paleolithic period came first, followed by the Mesolithic period. The Paleolithic period is characterized by the use of stone tools, while the Mesolithic period marks the transition to more advanced hunting and gathering techniques.

Are birds and mammals decended from a common ancestor?

Mammals came before birds. The first mammals lived in the Triassic and the first birds lived in the Jurassic.

What came first crocodiles or sharks?

Sharks existed at the same time dinosaurs did. Sharks pre-date the dinosaurs by quite a bit. To get from sharks to dinosaurs: sharks - bony fish - lobe finned fish - lung fish - amphibians - reptiles - dinosaurs.

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