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Lithium, sodium, potassium. rubidium, cesium, francium, calcium, strontium, barium and radium all react with varying degree of vigor with water to produce hydrogen gas. Other metals also will but not as vigorously.

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12y ago
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15y ago

The elements lithium (Li), potassium (K) and sodium (Na) could all be described this way. They are all less dense than water so they will float, and they all react violently to form the alkaline base and hyrdogen gas.

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2w ago

Sodium is a metal element that reacts explosively with water, producing hydrogen gas and heat. This reaction is highly exothermic and can lead to explosions if not controlled.

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15y ago

The alkali metals in group one:







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17y ago

potassium, sodium and lithium

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15y ago

it may be sodium , potassium or cesium.

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All of the Alkali metals

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Q: Which metal element reacts explosively with water?
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What is a period 5 element that reacts explosively with water?

Potassium, which is a period 5 element, reacts explosively with water. When potassium comes into contact with water, it produces hydrogen gas, which ignites immediately due to the heat produced by the reaction, resulting in a small explosion.

What gas is produced when Sodium metal reacts violently with water to produce sodium hydroxide and a gas that pops in the presence of a burning splint?

The gas produced is hydrogen gas (H2). The reaction between sodium metal and water is a highly exothermic reaction that liberates hydrogen gas, which in turn reacts explosively with oxygen in the air when ignited by a burning splint.

Does a metallic element form an acid or base when it reacts with water?

Usually a metallic element will not react with water and so will not change pH. However, a highly reactive metal, such as sodium, potassium or calcium will react with water to form the corresponding metal hydroxide, and so forms a base.

When cesium metal reacts explosively with water does it go through a physical change or a chemical change?

The reaction between cesium metal and water is a chemical change because it involves the breaking and forming of chemical bonds to create new substances (cesium hydroxide and hydrogen gas). The explosive nature of the reaction is due to the rapid release of energy during this chemical transformation.

What chemicals are produced when an acid reacts with a metal carbonate or hydroxide?

Generally, when an acid reacts with a metal carbonate, the products, the reaction products are: water, carbon dioxide, and a salt specific to the metal and the acid, e.g: hydrochloric acid + sodium carbonate → sodium chloride + carbon dioxide + water. 2HCl + Na2CO3 → 2NaCl + CO2 + H2O Generally, when an acid reacts with a metal hydroxide, the products, the reaction products are: water, and a salt specific to the metal and the hydroxide, e.g: Cupric hydroxide + hydrochloric acid → Cupric chloride + water Cu(OH)2 + 2HCl → CuCl2 + 2H2O

Related questions

What element reacts explosively when it comes in contact with water?

Sodium will, and some others will too.

What is a period 5 element that reacts explosively with water?

Potassium, which is a period 5 element, reacts explosively with water. When potassium comes into contact with water, it produces hydrogen gas, which ignites immediately due to the heat produced by the reaction, resulting in a small explosion.

What element reacts badly with water?

Sodium is an element that reacts explosively with water, releasing hydrogen gas and often causing a fire due to the heat generated.

What metal reacts with water to cause an explosion?

there are some alkali metals. It can be sodium or potassium.

Why have many high school's banned the use of potassium?

It reacts explosively with water

A metal oxide reacts with water to produce what?

A metal oxide reacts with water to produce a metal hydroxide.

Which metal reacts quickly with water and acids?

The most reactive metal is francium (Fr). However, it is impossible to gather any sufficient quantity of francium to demonstrate this reactivity. The other alkali metals, lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium will all react rapidly, even explosively with water.

Why Sodium metal is not treated with water?

Sodium is an unstable element which reacts violently when in contact with water. Sodium added to water can result in explosions.

Why is hydrogen inert at room temperature?

Hydrogen is not inert it reacts explosively with Oxygen to create water H2O

Which element produces a red flame when it reacts with water?

Lithium is the element that produces a red flame when it reacts with water.

What gas is produced when Sodium metal reacts violently with water to produce sodium hydroxide and a gas that pops in the presence of a burning splint?

The gas produced is hydrogen gas (H2). The reaction between sodium metal and water is a highly exothermic reaction that liberates hydrogen gas, which in turn reacts explosively with oxygen in the air when ignited by a burning splint.

What is unsual about potassium?

Pure potassium (Element K on the periodic table) Is the most reactive metal. So reactive that it will spontaneously oxidise when exposed to the air and will explosively combust when placed in water.