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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 2w ago

The surface that most likely absorbs the greatest amount of insolation is letter D, which represents a vertical surface facing the Sun. This orientation allows the surface to directly receive the Sun's rays, maximizing the amount of solar radiation absorbed.

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Q: Which letter represents the surface that most likely absorbs the greatest amount of insolation?
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If a surface absorbs insolation its temperature?

If a surface absorbs insolation, its temperature tends to increase as the absorbed energy is converted into heat. The surface absorbs sunlight and converts it into thermal energy, leading to a rise in temperature.

Does a rough black surface get the most insolation?

Yes, a rough black surface tends to absorb more solar radiation (insolation) compared to a smooth or light-colored surface. This is because black surfaces absorb a wider range of wavelengths in the solar spectrum and the roughness increases the surface area available for absorption.

Equal areas of which surface will absorb the most insolation?

A flat surface will absorb the most insolation since it has the maximum surface area exposed to the sun's rays. In contrast, a curved surface will have less surface area exposed to the sun, resulting in lesser insolation absorption over the same area.

What is the term for solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface?

The term for solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface is "insolation." Insolation is the amount of solar radiation received per unit area at the surface of the Earth.

Describe the relationship between the angle of insolation and the rate of heating a surface.?

The angle of insolation refers to the angle at which sunlight strikes a surface. The rate of heating a surface is highest when sunlight strikes it at a perpendicular angle, providing more direct energy. As the angle of insolation decreases and sunlight strikes at a slanted angle, the energy is spread out over a larger area, resulting in less heating effect.

Related questions

If a surface absorbs insolation its temperature?

If a surface absorbs insolation, its temperature tends to increase as the absorbed energy is converted into heat. The surface absorbs sunlight and converts it into thermal energy, leading to a rise in temperature.

What factor keeps the greatest percentage of insolation from reaching the earth's surface on cloudy days?

Reflection by cloud droplets....

Which factor keeps the greatest percentage of insolation from reaching the Earth's surface on cloudy days?

reflection by cloud droplets

Does a rough black surface get the most insolation?

Yes, a rough black surface tends to absorb more solar radiation (insolation) compared to a smooth or light-colored surface. This is because black surfaces absorb a wider range of wavelengths in the solar spectrum and the roughness increases the surface area available for absorption.

What is the term for solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface?

The term for solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface is "insolation." Insolation is the amount of solar radiation received per unit area at the surface of the Earth.

Describe the relationship between the angle of insolation and the rate of heating a surface.?

The angle of insolation refers to the angle at which sunlight strikes a surface. The rate of heating a surface is highest when sunlight strikes it at a perpendicular angle, providing more direct energy. As the angle of insolation decreases and sunlight strikes at a slanted angle, the energy is spread out over a larger area, resulting in less heating effect.

Which form of electromagnetic energy is radiated from the earths surface with the greatest intensity?


How would a lower angle of insolation affect the maximum temperature of a surface?

A lower angle of insolation would result in the sunlight being spread over a larger surface area, leading to less concentrated heating. This would result in a decrease in the maximum temperature of the surface compared to a higher angle of insolation where the sunlight is more concentrated on a smaller area.

What does Insolation mean in the water cycle?

Insolation refers to the incoming solar radiation that heats the Earth's surface. In the water cycle, insolation plays a crucial role in driving evaporation of water from oceans, rivers, and lakes, which then condenses to form clouds and eventually falls back to the Earth's surface as precipitation.

What is insolation temperature Lag?

Insolation refers to the amount of solar radiation received on a particular surface. Insolation temperature lag refers to the delay between the peak solar radiation and the peak temperature on a surface, as heat absorption and release processes take time to reach equilibrium. This lag can vary depending on factors like the material of the surface and its thermal properties.

Does the red surface absorbs all colors?

Nope. The black surface absorbs all colours.

What has the lowest insolation?

The polar regions, particularly the poles, receive the lowest insolation due to their high latitude and the tilt of Earth's axis. These areas experience prolonged periods of darkness during winter, leading to limited sunlight and low insolation levels.