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Arctic ocean

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3mo ago

The ocean with the lowest salinity is the Arctic Ocean. This is due to factors such as extensive melting of ice and low evaporation rates, which dilute the salt concentration in the water.

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Q: Which is the ocean with the lowest salinity?
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What area in the ocean is more likely to have the lowest salinity?

Areas near the poles like the Arctic Ocean will have the lowest salinity

Which areas of the ocean have the lowest salinity and why?

The lowest areas of salinity in an ocean are near where fresh water rivers empty into them. This is because the influx of fresh water creates an area of lower salinity compared to the remainder of the ocean.

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Where is salinity the lowest?

Salinity is generally lowest in areas where freshwater sources like rivers and streams meet the ocean, such as estuaries and deltas. Other factors like heavy rainfall and melting ice can also contribute to lower salinity levels in certain regions.

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The Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) are the low salinity waters found in the Southern Ocean.

The salinity of the ocean?

You could increase the salinity of the ocean by adding salt or removing water (ie: by evaporation).

Would a person float more easily in the middle of the Atlantic or the Arctic Ocean?

The Arctic Ocean's salinity is the lowest on average of the five major oceans. Objects would be more buoyant in the Atlantic.

Is salinity high on open ocean?

In open ocean evaporation affects the salinity of the oceans, in closed oceans the lack of sunrays cause greater salinity levels.

What does not affect ocean salinity?

Rainfall does not directly affect ocean salinity, as rainwater is freshwater and dilutes the salt content in the ocean. Other factors such as evaporation, ice formation, and river input can influence ocean salinity levels.

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An increase in ocean salinity can increase what creating a current?

An increase in ocean salinity can increase density creating a convection current.

What is the saltiness of the ocean called?

The saltiness of the ocean is called salinity, which refers to the concentration of dissolved salts in the water.