Deposition is the process by which sediment settles out of water and is deposited on the bottom of a body of water.
Deposition. Erosion is the process of wearing away or carrying away materials, while deposition is the process of dropping or depositing those materials in a new location.
Low deposition rate in sputter deposition can be attributed to factors such as low sputter yield of the target material, insufficient power or pressure to sustain sputtering, inefficient target utilization, or poor target-substrate geometry leading to inefficient material transfer. Increasing any of these factors can help improve the deposition rate in sputter deposition.
Weathering: disintegration, decomposition, deterioration Erosion: abrasion, corrosion, scouring Deposition: accumulation, sedimentation, deposit
The word "precipice" has a cognate in Latin, which is "praeceps," meaning "headlong" or "steep."
The English word "mother" and the Spanish word "madre" are cognates because they share a common Latin root.
A cognate is a word that sounds like the word with it's same meaning in a different language. An example of an English/Spanish cognate would be: Universe Universo English Spanish
The Dutch word for surgery is the cognate chirurgie - or operatie which is a cognate of operation.
The cognate of the Italian word "largo" in English is "large."
Glow brightly
Yes. In Spanish, "guitar" translates to "guitarra."