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Natural gas is formed when organic matter, such as dead plant and animal material, is buried deep underground under high pressure and temperature without exposure to air or moisture. Over time, this organic matter is converted into natural gas through a process known as thermal decomposition.

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Q: Which energy source is formed when organic matters is trapped under ground without exposure to air moisture?
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Which energy source is formed when organic matte is trapped underground without exposure to air or moisture?

Natural gas is formed when organic matter is trapped underground without exposure to air or moisture. Over time, this organic matter undergoes high pressure and heat, transforming into natural gas.

Which energy source is formed when organic matter is trapped underground without exposure to air and moisture?

Natural gas is formed when organic matter is trapped underground without exposure to air and moisture. The transformation process typically takes millions of years and involves high pressure and heat.

What energy source is formed when organic matter is trapped underground without exposure to air or moisture?

Natural gas is formed when organic matter such as dead plants and animals is buried underground, exposed to high pressure and heat over millions of years, and without contact with air or moisture.

What happens if moisture is trapped in a 3 ply roof in hot summer heat?

Trapped moisture in a 3-ply roof during hot summer heat can lead to mold growth, deterioration of the roof materials, and potential leaks. High temperatures can accelerate the deterioration process and weaken the structural integrity of the roof. It is essential to address trapped moisture promptly to prevent further damage.

What is the name of the soil that Water trapped in soil is called?

Water trapped in soil is called "soil moisture" or "soil water." It plays a crucial role in supporting plant growth and providing nutrients to plants.

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Which energy source is formed when organic matte is trapped underground without exposure to air or moisture?

Natural gas is formed when organic matter is trapped underground without exposure to air or moisture. Over time, this organic matter undergoes high pressure and heat, transforming into natural gas.

Which energy source is formed when organic matter is trapped underground without exposure to air and moisture?

Natural gas is formed when organic matter is trapped underground without exposure to air and moisture. The transformation process typically takes millions of years and involves high pressure and heat.

Which energy source is formed when organic matter is trapped underground without exposure to air or moisture?

Natural gas is formed when organic matter, such as dead plants and animals, is trapped underground and subjected to high pressure and heat without exposure to air or moisture. This process, known as biochemical and thermal decomposition, transforms the organic material into natural gas over millions of years.

What energy source is formed when organic matter is trapped underground without exposure to air or moisture?

Natural gas is formed when organic matter such as dead plants and animals is buried underground, exposed to high pressure and heat over millions of years, and without contact with air or moisture.

We have moisture trapped in the carpet and padding?

To remove moisture trapped in the carpet and padding, you can use a wet-dry vacuum to extract water. After vacuuming, use fans to increase air circulation and speed up drying. If the moisture is extensive, consider using a dehumidifier to help reduce humidity levels in the room.

What happens if moisture is trapped in a 3 ply roof in hot summer heat?

Trapped moisture in a 3-ply roof during hot summer heat can lead to mold growth, deterioration of the roof materials, and potential leaks. High temperatures can accelerate the deterioration process and weaken the structural integrity of the roof. It is essential to address trapped moisture promptly to prevent further damage.

What are the properties of horse manure?

Horse manure is a good source of organic matter and nutrients for soil. It helps improve soil structure, retains moisture, and enhances microbial activity. However, fresh horse manure should be composted before use to prevent the risk of pathogens and weed seeds.

How can itching be relieved when wearing a cast?

Use the CastCooler to remove moisture trapped in the lining of your cast. Without moisture, bacteria growth is inhibited and odor and itch are reduced.

What is bound and unbound moisture?

Bound moisture is water molecules that are chemically attached to a substance, making it inaccessible. Unbound moisture is water that is physically trapped within the substance, but can be easily removed through drying.

What resources are trapped between layers of rock in a aquifer?

Water, oil, and natural gas can be trapped between layers of rock in an aquifer. Minerals and metals, such as iron, magnesium, and uranium, can also be found in aquifers. Additionally, organic material and microorganisms may be present in the form of organic carbon and bacteria.

Is there anything I can use to prevent mold in my bathroom?

Mold is caused from trapped moisture that cannot dry completely in a short time. Installing a bathroom fan to be used when showering is the best idea. Otherwise, crack a window if you have one, or install a heat lamp bulb so that moisture is not trapped in walls or surfaces.

What is the name of the soil that Water trapped in soil is called?

Water trapped in soil is called "soil moisture" or "soil water." It plays a crucial role in supporting plant growth and providing nutrients to plants.