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Elements similar to chlorine will be located in the same group(17).

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12y ago
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3mo ago

Bromine and iodine are two elements that have properties similar to chlorine. They belong to the same group in the Periodic Table, known as the halogens, and share characteristics like reactivity and forming salts with metals.

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11y ago

Bromine, iodine and fluorine show almost identical chemical properties to chlorine as they all are elements in group 17.

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13y ago

Florine and Bromine. You find elements of similar characteristics/properties that are in the same group/family because that's how the periodic table was put together.

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9y ago

Halogens have similar properties like chlorine. Br.I.F are halogens. They have similar chemical properties.

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9y ago

Halogen family have same properties as chlorine. The elements are F, Br and I.

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11y ago

Fluorine and bromine show similar chemical properties as chlorine as all of them are located in group 17 of the periodic table.

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11y ago

fluorine, bromine, iodine

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14y ago

Fluorine and Bromine

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12y ago

Boobine, Titium, Penisium, Cockism

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Q: What are two elements that have properties similar to chlorine?
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Name two elements that have properties similar to those of chlorine?

Bromine and iodine are two elements that have properties similar to chlorine. They are all halogens and share common characteristics such as high reactivity and the ability to form compounds with other elements easily.

What are two elements with properties most like helium?

Neon and argon are two elements with properties most like helium. They belong to the same group (Noble gases) as helium, exhibit similar inert behavior, and have filled valence electron shells.

Why do elements in group 2 have the same properties?

Elements in group 2, like beryllium, magnesium, calcium, etc., have similar properties because they all have the same number of valence electrons (2). This results in common characteristics such as reactivity and the ability to form 2+ ions.

Which elements have properties similar to calcium?

elements in each group of the periodic table have identical chemical properties as they have the same no. of valence electrons which determines their chemical properties. since calcium is in group II of the periodic table, it has the same chemical properties as the elements in group II. Elements in group II consists of: Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra Elements in the same group has different physical properties such as boiling and melting points. However there are trends of their physical properties down the group.

Which two elements are in sodium chloride?

Sodium and chlorine are the two elements in sodium chloride. Sodium contributes a positive charge, and chlorine contributes a negative charge, resulting in the formation of the compound sodium chloride (NaCl).

Related questions

Name two elements that have properties similar to those of chlorine?

Bromine and iodine are two elements that have properties similar to chlorine. They are all halogens and share common characteristics such as high reactivity and the ability to form compounds with other elements easily.

Two elements that have properties similar to those of chlorine are?

Bromine and iodine are two elements that have similar properties to chlorine because they belong to the same group in the periodic table, known as the halogens. They share characteristics such as being highly reactive nonmetals with similar bonding behavior and reactivity.

What are the two elements which have similar chemical properties to iodine?

The two elements with similar chemical properties to iodine are bromine and chlorine. They all belong to the halogen group in the periodic table, sharing similar reactivity and chemical behavior.

What two elements with properties most like chlorine?

Bromine and iodine have properties most similar to chlorine since they all belong to the halogen group on the periodic table. They share similar chemical reactivity, forming similar compounds and exhibiting comparable physical properties.

Do fluorine and chlorine have the same chemical properties?

Fluorine and chlorine do not have the same chemical properties. While they are both halogens and share some similarities, fluorine is more reactive and has a higher electronegativity compared to chlorine. This leads to differences in how they interact with other elements and form compounds.

Which two elements will react to form a salt with properties most similar to sodium chloride?

Sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) will react to form a salt with properties most similar to sodium chloride. Sodium chloride is a common salt that forms when sodium metal reacts with chlorine gas.

What two elements have many properties that are alike out of chlorine potassium neon tin or kryton?

Chlorine and potassium have many properties that are alike. Both are located in Group 17 of the periodic table, have similar electron configurations, and exhibit similar chemical reactivity due to their outer electron configuration.

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Two elements that would have similar properties are calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). Both elements are alkaline earth metals, have similar reactivity, and form similar compounds. Additionally, they have similar atomic structures with two electrons in their outer shell.

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