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Counter-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere, and clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.

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9y ago
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3mo ago

In a cyclone, air flows in a counterclockwise direction in the northern hemisphere and in a clockwise direction in the Southern Hemisphere, due to the Coriolis effect caused by the Earth's rotation.

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9y ago

In the northern hemisphere cyclones spin counterclockwise. In the southern hemisphere cyclones spin clockwise.

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9y ago

Wind in a cyclone moves counter-clockwise in the northern hemisphere, clockwise in the southern hemisphere.

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10y ago

The air flow in a cyclone spins in the same direction as the Earth. This is anti-clockwise to the Northern Hemisphere, and clockwise to the Southern Hemisphere.

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9y ago

Wind in a cyclone moves counter-clockwise in the northern hemisphere, clockwise in the southern hemisphere.

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13y ago

Counter clockwise.

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13y ago

fast, quickly, rapidly

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12y ago

It moves in a circular motion

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8y ago


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Q: Which direction does air flow in a cyclone?
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In what direction did the tropical cyclone move?

The tropical cyclone moved in a generally westward direction.

Flow diagram of cyclone forming?

In a flow diagram of cyclone formation, the first step is typically warm ocean waters heating the air above them, causing it to rise and creating an area of low pressure. Next, as the air rises and cools, it condenses to form clouds and releases heat, fueling further air movement. The rotating winds of a developing cyclone are then influenced by the Earth's rotation, known as the Coriolis effect, leading to the cyclonic circulation pattern characteristic of cyclones.

Explain How the flow aloft aids the formation of cyclones at the surface?

The flow aloft, specifically the jet stream, provides the necessary dynamics for cyclone development by creating divergence at the surface. Divergence aloft allows air to rise at the surface, which, combined with the Earth's rotation (Coriolis effect), initiates cyclonic circulation. This results in the development of a low-pressure system and the formation of a cyclone.

In which direction do the westerlies blow in the southern hemisphere?

If they're called Westerlies, they blow from the west. These winds blow in the mid-latitudes in both hemispheres. They blow in the same direction because air tends to flow towards the poles at those latitudes, getting deflected by the coriolis force at the same time.

Are winds named for the direction they flow to or the direction they flow from?

Winds are named for the direction they flow from. For example, a northeast wind comes from the northeast direction.