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A natural scenario, that is not yet a scientific theory but is consistent with all current knowledge, explains the origin of our universe:

At first, the universe was pure vacuum ("nothing"). By means of a random quantum fluctuation the universe 'tunnelled" from pure vacuum to what is called a false vacuum, a region of space that contains no matter or radiation but is not quite nothing.

The space inside a bubble of false vacuum is curved, or warped, and a small amount of energy is stored in that curvature. This ostensible violation of energy conservation is allowed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for sufficiently small time intervals. The bubble then inflated exponentially and its curvature energy transformed into matter and radiation. Inflation stopped and the more linear big bang expansion commenced.

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9y ago
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3mo ago

The material in the universe at the time of the Big Bang was in an extremely hot and dense state, known as a singularity. This singularity contained all the matter and energy that would eventually expand and evolve into the universe we see today. The universe itself came into existence during the Big Bang event.

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14y ago

An excellent question, but I'm not sure that it makes any sense. In a very real sense, there was no "before" before the big bang, no space, no matter, no energy, no "place", and no time. And if that is true, there could be no "big bang". This leaves only intelligent design, which would beg a similar question, and result in a similar answer. A paradox that has mystified people from day 1.


That the scientific explanations of universal origins are not complete or universally accepted is NOT evidence that 'intelligent design' is the only alternative; this is a serious flaw in basic logic that Wedge strategists are hoping we are too ignorant to see. The illogical implication is that because we have so little information now, this means that there can never ever, for the rest of time, be more information or more complete information. This of course is nonsense; scientific knowledge is increasing over the long term. Intelligent design, a Wedge code term for the more religiously charged word creation, is as always a matter of faith and not scientific theory. Simply not knowing something is never, never sufficient to be supporting evidence that philosophical theories or religious beliefs MUST be absolutely true. Evidence is information, not the lack of information.

Imagine that someone shows you a brilliant card trick; you have seen many. The effect is spectacular, and try as you might, you and your friends are incapable of explaining it. Further, you and your friends conclude that you can never figure out the 'trick'. You also take the dangerous step of concluding that since youdon't have any other explanation that involves the magician's skill with cards, then there simply isn't such an explanation. Are you then justified in concluding that the effect is miraculous, that it can never ever have a simpler explanation than that?

Current theory is suggesting that just prior to the big bang, quite a lot was going on. The expansion or beginning of the universe did not come from 'nothing' as is taught in bible school. There was an immense amount of energy (in effect the total energy that one would calculate based on all the matter in the entire universe) located in one place, and this place was an actual non-zero volume area. This does seem counter-intuitive, as are many scientific ideas, but this space did NOT contain any matter; there was far too much energy and therefore heat to sustain any matter at all. Even the basic forces, including gravity, are thought to have been united at this time. The expansion started out of this area of intense energy.

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13y ago

Some scientists say that it came from nothing. But that is a guess.

So to believe in the Big Bang Theory you must have faith that something can be created from nothing. But at the same time you must ridicule the idea that a creator created something from nothing. Instead you must talk about false vacuums, quantum cycling, the "pure" energy that existed eternally and do it with a seriousness of purpose so as to claim you aren't just re-jiggering the labels that Religion has used nearly since the dawn of man. If you can do all this you might just convince the terminally naive the Big Bang Theory is a unique idea.

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15y ago

Excellent questions; there's a Nobel Prize waiting for the person who figures this out.

Short answer: We don't know.

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16y ago

All of it (with the exception of hydrogen) came from early stars that burned most of their fuel (hydrogen again) and then blew up.

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12y ago

The Big Bang is the origin of everything we know. It is not known what caused the Big Bang.

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