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Since not all diamond deposits have been discovered -- or fully mined, it is not possible to answer your question with any accuracy.

Diamond mines in several African countries, in Canada and in Australia are profitable enough to be considered 'rich' in the sense that they make more money than they cost to operate.

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βˆ™ 2mo ago

The richest diamond deposits are found in countries such as Russia (Siberia), Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Canada (particularly the Northwest Territories). These regions are known for their significant diamond production and high-quality stones.

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Q: Where are the richest diamond deposits?
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What are the primary diamond deposits called that are mined on earths surface?

The primary diamond deposits mined on Earth's surface are called alluvial deposits. These deposits are found in riverbeds, beaches, and other areas where diamonds have been carried and deposited by water.

Where are the richest gold deposits?

The richest gold deposits are typically found in countries with a long history of gold mining, such as South Africa, Russia, Australia, and the United States. Specific regions like the Witwatersrand Basin in South Africa and the Super Pit in Australia are known for their high concentration of gold deposits.

Is Europe known for its diamond mines?

No, Europe is not known for its diamond mines. The majority of the world's diamond production comes from countries in Africa, Russia, Canada, and Australia. Europe does not have significant diamond deposits.

Can diamonds be found naturally in the Caribbean?

Yes, diamonds can be found naturally in the Caribbean. They are often found in alluvial deposits, typically washed down from rivers and streams originating from volcanic pipes or kimberlite deposits in the region. However, commercial diamond mining is not a prominent industry in the Caribbean.

Why are the richest deposites of oil and gas often located on the continetal shelves?

The richest deposits of oil and gas are often found on continental shelves because these areas were once part of landmasses, where organic material accumulated over millions of years. As the land submerged, this organic material was buried and transformed into oil and gas through geologic processes. The sedimentary conditions and structural features on continental shelves make them ideal for the formation and trapping of oil and gas deposits.

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Which African country has the richest and most varied deposits of minerals in the world?

Egypt is the richest country in Africa, but not just Africa, it is the richest in the whole wide world.

Which African country has the richest and most varied deposits in the world?


What is something interesting about Africa?

Has the richest natural deposits of gold and diamonds in the world.

What are the primary diamond deposits called that are mined on earths surface?

The primary diamond deposits mined on Earth's surface are called alluvial deposits. These deposits are found in riverbeds, beaches, and other areas where diamonds have been carried and deposited by water.

Which country has the largest diamond deposits?

Russia has the largest diamond deposits in the world, with significant reserves located in Siberia. The region is home to the famous diamond mines such as Mirny, Udachny, and Jubilee. These mines contribute significantly to the global diamond supply.

What was one of the worlds richest deposits of silver bearing ore that was discovered in nevadq?

The Comstock Load, located under the astern slope of Mount Davidson in Nevada was one of the world richest deposits of silver bearing ore.

Where are the richest gold deposits?

The richest gold deposits are typically found in countries with a long history of gold mining, such as South Africa, Russia, Australia, and the United States. Specific regions like the Witwatersrand Basin in South Africa and the Super Pit in Australia are known for their high concentration of gold deposits.

Have diamonds been found in Georgia?

Georgia is not known for its raw diamond deposits.

Where would you find diamond mines?

Diamond mines are typically found in countries with rich deposits of diamond-bearing rock, such as Botswana, Russia, Canada, and Australia. In these countries, diamond mining operations extract diamonds from deep underground or from alluvial deposits in river beds.

What countries are the richest in minerals?

Africa is very rich in diamond,silver, and gold

Is Europe known for its diamond mines?

No, Europe is not known for its diamond mines. The majority of the world's diamond production comes from countries in Africa, Russia, Canada, and Australia. Europe does not have significant diamond deposits.

What is known as black diamond?

Carbonado, commonly known as the "Black Diamond", is the toughest form of natural diamond. It is an impure form of polycrystalline diamond consisting of diamond, graphite, and amorphous carbon. It is found in alluvial deposits in the Central African Republic and mainly in Brazil.