In 1963, spring began on...
The first day of spring is called vernal equinox!
The first day of spring in 1992 was on March 19th.
The first day of spring in 1953 was on March 20th.
The first day of spring in 1975 was on March 20th.
The first day of spring in 1958 was on March 21st.
The first day of spring.
The first day of spring is called vernal equinox!
The first day of spring in 2008 was March 20th.
The first day of spring in 1992 was on March 19th.
The first day of spring in 1953 was on March 20th.
The first day of spring in 1975 was on March 20th.
The first day of spring in 1958 was on March 21st.
The first day of spring in 2014 will fall on March 20th. This will be a Thursday.
The first day of spring is always March 20, or the spring equinox. It is also called the vernal equinox.
The first day of spring is called the vernal equinox or the March equinox.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012 is the first day of spring
The date of Easter is determined by the first day of spring. Easter is held on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of spring.