"The Sudden Storm" is a piece of art created by an artist named John Smith in 2005. The exact date of creation is not specified, but it is known to have been completed and exhibited in the same year. The artwork is renowned for its vivid depiction of a storm and its impact on the surrounding landscape.
The Approaching Storm was created in 2002 by author Alan Dean Foster.
flash floods
A storm surge is a sudden rise in sea level caused by a storm, leading to coastal flooding. Tidal bores are large waves caused by the incoming tide meeting a river's current, creating a wave that flows upstream against the current. Storm surges are caused by weather events, while tidal bores are caused by tidal movements interacting with river currents.
In order to know that a storm is coming, you need to know the air pressure. Storms are normally associated with a Low Pressure System. A Barometer can be a tool you can use to predict an oncoming storm.
A sudden drop in temperature, darkening clouds, and an increase in wind speed are signs that the weather may change for the worse at sea. These can signal an approaching storm or adverse weather conditions.
A Sudden Storm - 2014 was released on: USA: 1 August 2014
When the CMEs impact the Earth's magnetosphere, a storm sudden commencement or sudden impulse (SSC or SI), a sudden increase in the magnetic field strength detected at the surface, almost instantaneously occurs.
A flash flood.
Davey and Goliath - 1960 Sudden Storm 2-13 was released on: USA: 1963
A sudden decrease in barometric pressure is a sign that a storm is coming.
Oh, dude, the complete subject of that sentence is "a sudden storm." It's like the main thing the sentence is talking about, you know? So, if you're ever in a grammar showdown, you can totally drop that knowledge bomb and impress everyone with your subject skills.
All of a Sudden was created in 1982.
Sudden Strike was created in 2000.
Sudden Attack was created in 2004.
Sudden Sway was created in 1980.
No, the word 'sudden' is not a noun; sudden is an adjective, a word that describes a noun (a sudden storm).The noun form for the adjective sudden is suddenness.
Out of the Storm was created in 1975.