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Most of the land on Earth has always been covered by water. Most of the land on Earth is covered by water now. You're probably going to need to rephrase your question.

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3mo ago

During the Precambrian era, which began around 4.6 billion years ago, most of Earth's surface was indeed covered by water. This period lasted for about 4 billion years until the emergence of landmasses and the subsequent diversification of life forms.

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Q: When millions of years ago most of the land on earth was covered by water?
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When Millions of years ago most of the land on the earth was covered by?

When millions of years ago, most of the land on Earth was covered by vast oceans and shallow seas. Over time, tectonic plate movements and volcanic activity caused the continents to shift and rise above sea level, creating the diverse landscapes we see today.

Has the water on earth today been sustaining life for millions of years?

Yes, water on Earth has been sustaining life for billions of years. Water is essential for life as we know it to exist, and it has played a crucial role in the evolution and survival of organisms on our planet.

How has all water on earth been recycled millions of times?

Water on Earth is constantly moving through the water cycle, changing states between liquid, vapor, and ice. It evaporates from oceans and bodies of water, forms clouds, falls as precipitation, and eventually returns to the oceans and water bodies. This continuous cycling has been happening for millions of years, allowing all water on Earth to be recycled multiple times.

How much of the earth was covered in rainforests 100 years ago?

About 12% of the Earth's land area was covered by rainforests 100 years ago. However, due to deforestation and other human activities, this number has significantly decreased since then.

Why does most of the earth's water contains salt?

Most of the Earth's water contains salt because over millions of years, rain and rivers have washed mineral salts from rocks into the oceans. As water evaporates from the oceans, the salt remains behind, leading to an accumulation of salt in the ocean water. This is why most of Earth's water, especially in the oceans, contains salt.

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When Millions of years ago most of the land on the earth was covered by?

When millions of years ago, most of the land on Earth was covered by vast oceans and shallow seas. Over time, tectonic plate movements and volcanic activity caused the continents to shift and rise above sea level, creating the diverse landscapes we see today.

How is it possible that the water you use today is the same water that has been on earth for millions of years?

The water cycle

What 2 factors have changed the earth for over millions of years?

Wind & water

Is there a start to the water cycle?

It is assumed that water arrived on Earth from space, hundreds of millions of years ago.

When were humans on earth?

millions and millions of years ago

How landforms are changed by ice?

by the water crashing up on the large spaces of the earth for millions of years

What were the characteristics of Earth before the oceans formed?

Before the oceans formed, Earth was a hot and volatile planet with a thick atmosphere of mainly carbon dioxide and water vapor. The surface was mostly covered in molten rock due to intense volcanic activity. As Earth cooled over millions of years, water vapor condensed to form the oceans.

Is it true that earth today has been sustaining life for millions of years?

Not just millions. Earth has sustained life for several billion years.

What event always takes millions of years to change the surface of the earth?

volcanoes take millions of years to occur. it changes earth's surface.

What events always take millions of years to change the surface of the earth?

volcanoes take millions of years to occur. it changes earth's surface.

Was there life on earth from the start?

No, the Earth was uninhabitable for millions of years.