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Fossil fuels are formed over millions of years as organic matter decomposes under high pressure and heat. The temperature of the sea where this process occurs can vary, but it's typically at depths where temperatures range from 40 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Q: When fossil fuels are formed what is the temperature of the sea?
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Why is it wrong to say that fossil fuels are stores of light energy?

It's wrong to say this because it is inaccurate. Fossil fuels are stores of potential energy which can be converted (through combustion) into heat energy. Light energy is the energy that gives off light, but fossil fuels do not give off light.

What is the fuel that is formed million years ago from under the sea?

The fuel formed millions of years ago from under the sea is typically referred to as fossil fuels, which include coal, oil, and natural gas. These fuels are created from the remains of ancient plants and animals that were buried and subjected to high pressures and temperatures over time.

Why is the burning of fossil fuels concern for scientists?

because when fossil fuels are burned,the fossil fuels are running out more and more and so scientists are trying to figure out a way for fossil fuels to become more of a renewable resourse then a nonrenewable resource so that way we have more of a likely cause that we will have a future use of all the fossil fuel that are about to run out just like an extinct species.

How does fossil fuels effect the polar ice caps?

Burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, which trap heat in Earth's atmosphere and contribute to global warming. This leads to a rise in temperature, causing polar ice caps to melt and leading to sea level rise. The melting of polar ice caps also impacts biodiversity and the livelihoods of communities that depend on these ecosystems.

Fossil fuels are stored energy that came from?

Fossil fuels are stored energy that came from organic matter, such as plants and animals, that lived millions of years ago. Over time, this organic matter was buried and subjected to heat and pressure, transforming into coal, oil, and natural gas.

Related questions

What type of fuel formed by the remains of sea creatures and plants millions of years ago?

Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, are formed from the remains of sea creatures and plants that have been transformed over millions of years due to heat and pressure underground.

What is an example of a renewable fossil fuel?

Fossil fuels are NOT renewable. Fossil fuels are made from dead animals, trees and sea creatures, which died millions of years ago.

Why is it wrong to say that fossil fuels are stores of light energy?

It's wrong to say this because it is inaccurate. Fossil fuels are stores of potential energy which can be converted (through combustion) into heat energy. Light energy is the energy that gives off light, but fossil fuels do not give off light.

What is the fuel that is formed million years ago from under the sea?

The fuel formed millions of years ago from under the sea is typically referred to as fossil fuels, which include coal, oil, and natural gas. These fuels are created from the remains of ancient plants and animals that were buried and subjected to high pressures and temperatures over time.

What does fossil fuels lead to?

burning fossil fuels create carbon dioxide which trap the heat from the sun causing our planet to warm up, this is causing the ice caps to melt and sea levels to rise.

Is oil formed from sea animals of long ago a fossil?


How does fossil fuels effect the polar ice caps?

Burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, which trap heat in Earth's atmosphere and contribute to global warming. This leads to a rise in temperature, causing polar ice caps to melt and leading to sea level rise. The melting of polar ice caps also impacts biodiversity and the livelihoods of communities that depend on these ecosystems.

Why is the burning of fossil fuels concern for scientists?

because when fossil fuels are burned,the fossil fuels are running out more and more and so scientists are trying to figure out a way for fossil fuels to become more of a renewable resourse then a nonrenewable resource so that way we have more of a likely cause that we will have a future use of all the fossil fuel that are about to run out just like an extinct species.

How was fossil fuels created?

Fossils are formed from millions of years ago when sometime during the extinction of the dinosaurs, their skeletons get caught in rocks during Earth's process of Erosion. Fossils of other prehistoric creatures, like the Sea Monsters, were fossilized earlier before and/or after the K-1 Event.

What will happen to part of the remains of today's sea life millions of years from now?

It will turn to fossil fuels and eventually become petroleum

What kind of fossil is oil formed from sea animals of long ago?

all sea animals that died eventually turned into oil.

Why do you use fossil fuels if it produces CO2?

Fossil fuels have been used since man first learned to make fire with wood. Modern industry would be impossible without using coal, oil, and gas as fuels. Alternatives such as nuclear and renewable energy can reduce fossil consumption, but it's not practicable to avoid it altogether. And apart from electric trains, and horse drawn carriages, all forms of transport, by land, sea,and air use fossil fuels. You wouldn't want to give up your car, would you?