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When they are the salts of Lead(II)

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Chlorides are insoluble when paired with silver, lead, or Mercury ions. Bromides are insoluble when paired with silver, lead, or mercury ions. Iodides are insoluble when paired with silver, lead, or mercury ions, as well as with thallium ions.

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Q: When are chlorides bromides and iodides not soluble?
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What salts are water soluble?

Examples: nitrates, chlorides, iodides, bromides, fluorides of alkali metals, carbonates, citrates, tartrates, sulfates, phosphates of alcali metals etc.

What are some different salts?

Examples: chlorides, nitrates, phosphates, chlorates, bromides, iodides etc.

How are salts in chemical reactions names?

The question is unclear. Salts are for ex. sulfates, chlorides, nitrates, iodides, stearates, bromides etc.

What are flourides chlorides bromides and iodides?

These are all halogens that belong to Group 17 of the periodic table. Fluorides, chlorides, bromides, and iodides are compounds formed by the respective halogen elements (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine) when they react with other elements. They can have various uses in industry, medicine, and everyday products.

How many metallic salts are there and which ones are they?

This number is extremely great; some salts are: sulfates, nitrates, phosphates, chlorides, iodides, bromides, iodates, acetates, formiates, fluorides, uranates etc.

What salts are formed with different acids?

From HCl: chlorides From HI: iodides From HF: fluorides From HBr: bromides From HNO3: nitrates From H2SO4: sulfates From H3PO4: phosphates From H2S: sulfides and many other

What are the halides of osmium aluminum galium?

Osmium(IV) chloride OsCl4 *) AlCl3 and GaCl3 are the other chlorides For the other halides you must replace Cl by : F, Br, I (fluorides, bromides, iodides) *) Of osmium more halides are possible, eg. OsF6, OsCl3 .

Are most bromides water soluble?

Yes, most bromides are water soluble. Bromide salts, such as sodium bromide and potassium bromide, dissolve readily in water due to their ionic nature. However, there are some organic bromides that are not soluble in water due to being nonpolar in nature.

What kind of salts?

Examples are: chlorides, arsenates, uranates, iodides, sulfates, nitrates etc.

What are types of salts?

Examples: nitrates, chlorides, acetates, sulfates, formiates, uranates, iodides etc.

What kinds of salt are in salt water?

Usually sodium chloride. However, in sea water there are traces of iodides and bromides too.

What metallic chloride is soluble in cold water?

Aluminum chloride is a metallic chloride that is soluble in cold water.