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Lava flows occur when molten rock, or magma, erupts from a volcano onto the Earth's surface. This usually happens during volcanic eruptions, when pressure builds up beneath the Earth's crust and forces magma to the surface. Lava flows can vary in size and speed, depending on the viscosity and gas content of the magma.

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Q: When and why did lava flows?
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Related questions

What are lava flows on a volcano?

A lava flow is where lava flows down the side of a volcano.

Opening where the lava flows?

the opening where the lava flows is call a vent

What is Magma that flows onto Earth's surfaces called?

Magma that flows onto Earth's surface is called lava.

Are all lava flows the same?

No. Lava flows vary in composition. Most lava flows consist of basaltic lava, which can flow as smooth phoehoe or form jagged and broken a'a. Other lava flows are more viscous and will have blocky surfaces and tend to be short and thick.

What can stop lava flows?

Lava flows can be stopped or deflected by ridges, valleys and depressions in the ground.

What is the name of mountain from which the lava flows out?

A volcano is a mountain from which lava flows out during an eruption.

What happens when lava flows reach the sea?

When lava flows reach the sea, the lava rapidy cools to form an igneous rock.

Are lava flows harmful?

Yes. Lava flows can be extremely destructive. Since most lava flows move slowly, though, relatively few people have been killed by them.

Can a stratovolcano erupt blocky lava?

Yes. Stratovolcanoes can erupt blocky lava flows, basaltic lava flows, or may erupt explosively.

A long crack from which lava flows is called a?

A long crack from which lava flows is called a fissure.

What type of lava flows the slowest?

Viscous lava, such as andesitic or rhyolitic lava, flows the slowest due to its high silica content. This type of lava tends to be thicker and more resistant to flow compared to basaltic lava, which is more fluid and flows more quickly.

Why are lava flows rarely deadly?

Lava flows are usually slow moving, giving people time to escape.