The family name of sulfur is the chalcogens.
The family name for sulfur is chalcogens.
The family name for the element sulfur is the chalcogens.
Fluorine belongs to the halogen family.
The name of a yellow plant in the gourd family is the yellow crookneck squash.
jessica my mothers name is jessie
jessica my mothers name is jessie
A shape with no angles or inclinations is called an 'agonic' which comes from the Greek language.
The name would be Intsia spp. Family: Leguminosae.
Zincs family name would be............................ Um it would be elements it's in the elements family.
The name would be Ulmus carpinifolia. Family: Ulmaceae.
The name would be Nauclea diderrichii. Family: Rubiaceae.
The name would be Picea abies. Family: Pinaceae.
The plural form of a family name ending in "N" typically adds "s" or "es" depending on the specific name. For example, if the family name is Johnson, the plural would be Johnsons. If the family name is Cohen, the plural would be Cohens.
It would be Shorea negrosensis. Family: Dipterocarpaceae.
The scientific name for the Idigbo tree is Terminalia ivorensis.