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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

Sediments transported in water can appear as suspended particles of varying sizes, ranging from fine clay to coarse sand or gravel. The water may appear murky or turbid due to the presence of these sediments. Sediments can deposit along the streambed or shoreline when the water velocity decreases, forming distinctive layers or patterns.

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Q: What would sediments look like if they were transported in water?
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How do sediments move downstream?

Sediments move downstream through processes like erosion, transportation, and deposition by the force of water, wind, or ice. As water flows, it picks up and carries sediments, gradually depositing them as the energy of the water decreases. This continuous cycle of erosion, transportation, and deposition allows sediments to be transported downstream over time.

Sediments derived from early from products of weathering on the continents are called what?

These sediments are called detrital or clastic sediments. They are derived from the breakdown of rocks and minerals through weathering processes on land, and are then transported and deposited by various agents like water, wind, or ice.

What starts the change from an igneous rock to a sedimentary rock?

When an igneous rock is weathered and eroded into sediments by processes like wind, water, or ice, it can then be transported and deposited in layers. Over time, the sediments can undergo compaction and cementation, forming a sedimentary rock.

When does deposition begin to take plece?

Deposition begins when sediments transported by water, wind, or ice settle and accumulate, usually in low-lying areas like river deltas, beaches, or the ocean floor. The process starts when the energy of the transporting agent decreases, causing it to drop its load of sediments.

How does rock particles form sediments in river estuaries?

Rock particles are eroded from the land by factors like water, wind, or ice, and are transported by rivers to estuaries. Once in the estuary, the fast-moving river water slows down, causing the rock particles to settle and accumulate as sediments. Over time, these sediments may undergo compaction and cementation, forming sedimentary rocks.

Related questions

How do sediments move downstream?

Sediments move downstream through processes like erosion, transportation, and deposition by the force of water, wind, or ice. As water flows, it picks up and carries sediments, gradually depositing them as the energy of the water decreases. This continuous cycle of erosion, transportation, and deposition allows sediments to be transported downstream over time.

What are two things that sediments may change to?

Sediments can change into sedimentary rocks through processes like compaction and cementation. They can also be eroded and transported to new locations by forces like wind and water.

Sediments derived from early from products of weathering on the continents are called what?

These sediments are called detrital or clastic sediments. They are derived from the breakdown of rocks and minerals through weathering processes on land, and are then transported and deposited by various agents like water, wind, or ice.

What Sediments are transported or moved from the original source by a process called?

Erosion transports sediments from the original source through processes like wind, water, or ice. As the sediments are eroded, they are carried away and eventually deposited in a new location, forming sedimentary deposits.

What two processes bring sediments to a new location?

Two processes that bring sediments to a new location are erosion, where sediments are broken down and transported by natural forces like water, wind, or ice, and sedimentation, where these sediments accumulate and settle in a new location, forming layers over time.

What starts the change from an igneous rock to a sedimentary rock?

When an igneous rock is weathered and eroded into sediments by processes like wind, water, or ice, it can then be transported and deposited in layers. Over time, the sediments can undergo compaction and cementation, forming a sedimentary rock.

When does deposition begin to take plece?

Deposition begins when sediments transported by water, wind, or ice settle and accumulate, usually in low-lying areas like river deltas, beaches, or the ocean floor. The process starts when the energy of the transporting agent decreases, causing it to drop its load of sediments.

What is it called when rock particles have been moved to other places by river?

This process is called erosion. Erosion occurs when running water, like a river, picks up and carries away rock particles, eventually depositing them in another location.

How does rock particles form sediments in river estuaries?

Rock particles are eroded from the land by factors like water, wind, or ice, and are transported by rivers to estuaries. Once in the estuary, the fast-moving river water slows down, causing the rock particles to settle and accumulate as sediments. Over time, these sediments may undergo compaction and cementation, forming sedimentary rocks.

Sediments can be picked up by what?

Sediments can be picked up by water, wind, or ice. Water can transport sediments in rivers, streams, and oceans, while wind can carry sediments in the form of dust or sand. Ice, through processes like glaciers, can also transport sediments across landscapes.

Which sediments float in the moving water?

Fine sediments like silt and clay tend to stay suspended in moving water because the turbulence keeps them from settling. Coarser sediments like sand and gravel require calmer conditions to settle out of the water column.

Weathering breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces sediments?

Weathering is the process by which rocks are broken down into smaller pieces through exposure to weather conditions such as wind, water, and temperature fluctuations. These smaller pieces, known as sediments, can eventually be transported and deposited by natural forces like water or glaciers, leading to the formation of sedimentary rocks.