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sea levels will rise due to melted glaciers

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2mo ago

A 4 degrees Celsius increase in Earth's temperature would lead to more frequent and intense heatwaves, ice melt in polar regions accelerating sea level rise, disruption of ecosystems and water supplies, increased extreme weather events, and potential food and water shortages. This level of warming could have catastrophic effects on both human societies and natural habitats.

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Q: What would happen if the earth gets 4 degrees hotter?
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What would happen to the seasons if the earth was tilted at 40 degrees?

If the Earth were tilted at 40 degrees, the seasons would be more extreme in the regions closer to the poles. This would result in longer and colder winters, and hotter summers. The equatorial regions might experience less variation in temperature throughout the year.

Which would happen at middle latitudes if the tilt of Earth's axis increased by 10?

If the tilt of Earth's axis increased by 10 degrees, there would be more extreme seasons at middle latitudes. This would lead to hotter summers and colder winters with more pronounced temperature variations throughout the year. The length of daylight hours would also change, affecting the timing of sunrise and sunset.

What would happen at middle latitudes if the tilt of Earth's axis increased by 10?

An increase in Earth's axial tilt by 10 degrees would lead to more extreme seasonal changes at middle latitudes. This would result in hotter summers and colder winters, with potentially disrupted weather patterns and increased variability in precipitation. The length of seasons would also be altered, affecting ecosystems and agriculture.

How much hotter is Earth because of the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect makes Earth's surface temperature about 33°C (59.4°F) warmer than it would be without it. This effect is essential for maintaining temperatures on Earth that can support life.

Is 50 degrees hotter on a Celsius or Fahrenheit scale?

50 C is hotter than 50 F.Minus 40 C and minus 40 F are the same temperature.Below minus 40, any C is colder than the same F.Above minus 40, any C is hotter than the same F.

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What would happen to the seasons if the earth was tilted at 40 degrees?

If the Earth were tilted at 40 degrees, the seasons would be more extreme in the regions closer to the poles. This would result in longer and colder winters, and hotter summers. The equatorial regions might experience less variation in temperature throughout the year.

What would happen if the earth was tilted 30 degrees?

If the earth was not tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees, there would not be the different seasons.

What would happen if the earth's axis was eighteen degrees?

it would be cold bad

What would happen if the tilt of the Earth's axis was at 0 degrees?


What would happen to sugar cane if the earth was tilted at a different angle?

the cane cycle would be a lot hotter so it would grow quicker

What would happen if the earth was tilted on a 28.5 degree angle instead of 23.5 degree angle?

Summers would be hotter, and winters would be colder.

If the temperature is 61 degrees how many times hotter would the temperature be on Mercury?

I believe that the temperature on the planet Mars (surface temp) would be approximately -14.6557377049 F * hotter than the 16 c* on Earth's surface.

Is 32 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than 5 degrees Celsius?

No, its colder. Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit and 0 degrees Celsius, so 5 degrees Celsius would be hotter.

What would be the effect be on earth's seasons if the axis were tilted at 28.5 degrees instead of 23.5 degrees?

They would be more extreme: winters would be colder and summers would be hotter. The temperate zones would contract, and the polar and tropical zones would expand.

What would happen to the seasons if earth was tilted on its axis as it orbit the sun?

It is tilted (23.5 degrees).

What would happen if you traveled to the equator of the Earth to view constellations?

The constellations would be the same, but The temperature would be very hot because the closer you get to the equator, the hotter the climate gets.

If the Earth's axis were tipped 35 degrees relative to the pole of the ecliptic which effect would be seen?

Currently the axis is tipped 23.5 degrees; increasing this would make the differences between the seasons more pronounced; Summer would be hotter, and Winter would be colder.