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If the Earth's water and land ratio were to change significantly, it could alter weather patterns, sea levels, and ecosystems. For example, if there were more water than land, it could lead to widespread flooding and the displacement of populations. Conversely, if there were more land than water, it could lead to droughts and desertification in certain regions.

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Q: What would happen if the Earths water and land ratio change?
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What heats the earths surface and causes water to change states?

The sun's radiation heats the Earth's surface through a process called solar radiation. This heat causes water to change states by evaporating into water vapor, condensing into clouds, and eventually returning to the surface as precipitation.

What is the salt water to fresh water ratio?

The average saltwater to freshwater ratio on Earth is about 97% saltwater and 3% freshwater. This ratio varies depending on the location and specific bodies of water.

What percent of the earths water is in the earths soil?

Approximately 0.005% of the Earth's water is found in its soil. This water is vital for plant growth and sustains terrestrial ecosystems.

What process causes water on earths surface to change to gas and rise into the atmosphere?

The process that causes water on Earth's surface to change to gas and rise into the atmosphere is called evaporation. This occurs when the sun's heat energy causes water molecules to gain enough energy to break free from the liquid's surface and enter the air as water vapor.

If temperature remains unchanged and mixing ratio decreases how will relative humidity change?

If temperature remains constant and the mixing ratio decreases, the relative humidity will increase. This is because relative humidity is the ratio of the actual water vapor content in the air to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at that temperature. As the mixing ratio decreases, the air becomes closer to saturation, leading to an increase in relative humidity.

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There could be change in the content of water. It will affect the level of water in the water bodies.

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it would become to cold

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water can change the earths surface by breaking down rocks into sediment and then the wind blowing them to a different spot to change the earth.(An example is the Grand Canyon.)

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water, ice, wind, and snow.

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your mom has to happen

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The Earths surface would be much colder than it is.

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nothing rely

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Most of the people in our country and other country's will die because there would be no water to drink

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