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Some types of items that can increase the probative value of soil include artifacts, biological materials (such as pollen or seeds), trace evidence (like fibers or hair), and chemical residues (such as drugs or explosives). These items can help provide information about past activities, environmental conditions, or potential sources of contamination.

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Q: What types of items can increase the probative value of soil?
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What are developed resource?

Developed resources are natural resources that have been transformed or processed to increase their usefulness or economic value. Examples include finished goods like furniture, processed food items, and manufactured products like electronics. These resources require human intervention to be ready for consumption or use.

Do trace elements in a mineral not effect the color or the value of the mineral?

Trace elements in a mineral can indeed affect its color and value. For example, the presence of chromium can give a mineral a red color, like in rubies. Additionally, certain rare trace elements can increase the value of a mineral due to their rarity and unique coloring effects.

Used to measure the strength of earthquakes?

The Richter scale is commonly used to measure the strength of earthquakes. It assigns a numerical value to quantify the energy released by an earthquake. The scale is logarithmic, meaning that each whole number increase corresponds to a tenfold increase in measured amplitude.

What are some examples of Non-recyclable. Resources?

Some examples of non-recyclable resources include certain types of plastics such as plastic bags, foam polystyrene packaging, and some mixed materials like fast food containers that cannot be easily separated for recycling. Other non-recyclable items may include certain types of ceramics, certain chemicals, and items contaminated with hazardous materials.

What value do spode plates go for?

The value of Spode plates can vary widely depending on factors such as the specific pattern, age, condition, and rarity. Some Spode plates can be found for as little as $20, while rare or antique pieces can sell for hundreds or even thousands of dollars. It's best to research comparable items and consult with experts to determine the value of a specific Spode plate.

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