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3mo ago

Chemical weathering typically causes more damage over time compared to physical weathering. This is because chemical weathering involves the breakdown of minerals and rocks through chemical reactions, which can weaken the structure of the material. Over time, this can lead to the disintegration and erosion of rocks and structures.

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Q: What type of weathering does the most damage?
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Which type of mechanical weathering is most common in mountainous regions?

Frost wedging is the most common type of mechanical weathering in mountainous regions, where repeated freezing and thawing of water in cracks and crevices causes rocks to split and break apart.

What process of weathering most common?

Mechanical weathering, such as freeze-thaw cycles, abrasion, and root wedging, is the most common process of weathering. This type of weathering breaks down rocks into smaller pieces without changing their chemical composition.

The variables that most affect the weathering process are rock composition and what?

The variables that most affect the weathering process are rock composition and climate. Rock composition determines the susceptibility of a rock to weathering, while climate influences the rate and type of weathering that occurs, with factors such as temperature, precipitation, and vegetation playing key roles.

When actions of animals most commonly can cause the type of weathering known a .?

The type of weathering caused by the actions of animals is known as biological weathering. Animals contribute to this process by burrowing, digging, and moving materials on the earth's surface, which can break down rocks and contribute to their erosion over time. This type of weathering is particularly common in areas where animal activity is high, such as in burrowing animals or organisms that live in the soil.

Blank is a type of weathering where rock is dissolved by an acid.?

Chemical weathering

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The actions of animals most commonly can cause the type of weathering know as?

Mechanical weathering

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The most of important factors in determining the rate of weathering are what?

The most important factors that determine the rate at which weathering occurs are the type of rock and the climate. Rainfall affects the rate of weathering.

What is a proper sentence using weathering?

The damage was extensive due to weathering. We are weathering this crisis together.

What is the main type of weather in in the desert?

Physical Weathering (aka Mechanical Weathering) is the main type of weathering in deserts.

What type of firecracker does the most damage?

The M80 firecracker does the most damage.

What of the four types of chemical weathering do you think causes the most damage why?

oxidation does because it wears away objects

What type of weathering can damage the tower of Pisa?

Weathering isn't the big problem with the tower, but the degree of lean is the problem. The tower is located in an square next to a large church. It looks to be fairly sheltered.

What type of climate is chemical weathering most active?

warm, humid climate

Which type of weathering do you see most in New Jersey?

I would have to say that Plants/Animals are commonly types of weathering found in New Jersey.

What type of weathering occurs most in the plains and lakes area of TX?

The predicted agents of weathering are tall grasses and trees which cause mild winds.

What type of weathering is in breaking of rocks?

Physical weathering.