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Greenhouse gases absorb infra red radiation (heat) coming back up from the warmed earth. They hold this heat, and in turn warm up the air around them, as well as warming the earth's surface again.

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Joany Funk

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2y ago
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3mo ago

Greenhouse gases can be absorbed through natural processes like photosynthesis, where plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Additionally, certain products or materials can be created to capture and store greenhouse gases, known as carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies. Additionally, ocean water can absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

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15y ago

The atoms of the greenhouse gases have special characteristics that allow it to absorb infrared radiation; just like every single human is unique, every atom or molecule is unique, and some absorb infrared radiation.

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8y ago

Greenhouse gases absorb infra red radiation (heat) coming back up from the warmed earth. They hold this heat, and in turn warm up the air around them, as well as warming the earth's surface again.

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13y ago

Greenhouse gases are transparent to visible light, which passes through the atmosphere to the surface of the earth and provides warmth at the surface.

This warmth is re-radiated at much lower frequencies to visible light, as infrared radiation. While oxygen and nitrogen are also transparent to infrared radiation, greenhouse gases are not. They appear opaque at certain frequencies and therefore absorb energy at these frequencies and prevent it escaping into space. This is the greenhouse effect, and an increase in greenhouse gas concentrations can lead to global warming.

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13y ago

The Greenhouse gases will either transmit or reflect (or re-radiate) radiation.

When a molecule absorbs radiation, it will get warmer, and re-radiate the energy. This re-radiated energy is at a longer wavelength than the incoming radiation.

We have incoming thermal radiation from the Sun. Most of this arrives on the Earth's surface, is absorbed, and the ground becomes warmer.

Some of this is re-radiated at a longer wavelength. The atmosphere is more opaque to the longer wavelength radiation. So it becomes trapped.

The atmosphere is less transparent to longer wavelength radiation than to shorter wavelength. So the atmosphere reflects long wavelength radiation.

Water vapour, Carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone are the main greenhouse gases. Without the greenhouse gases, the temperature of the Earth would be up to 30oC colder than it is.

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12y ago

the best way is to cut down on pollution.however greenhouse gases cannot be absorb unless one invests too much money to separate the co2,the co the ch4 etc from the other gases in the atmosphere.basically planting more forests would help in absorbing the excess co2.even such operations maybe conducted where certain substances maybe released in the atmosphere to react with the ghgases and hence neutralise their hatmful effect

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15y ago

Infrared Radiation, which is a type of heat energy.

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8y ago

Infrared longwaves rising from the warm surface of the earth.

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