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Nuclear fusion in the sun

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2mo ago

The nuclear energy that is most important for life on Earth is the nuclear fusion that powers the sun. This energy is essential for providing heat and light, which support life on our planet. Nuclear fission, used in nuclear power plants, also plays a role in providing electricity for human activities.

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Why is nuclear fusion important to life on earth?

Life on Earth gets its energy from the Sun, which produces the energy through nuclear fusion.

Which type of nuclear reaction is more important for life on earth?

1.The sun is a huge ball of nuclear fusion. 2.We here on earth use nuclear fission to produce electricity. so the answer is 2.

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Solar energy drives all the processes important to life on Earth.

Where does most energy come from for life in earth?

Most energy comes from sun through the nuclear fusion energy.

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The energy from the Sun, solar energy drives all the process important to life on Earth.

What kind of energy drives all the processes important to life on earth?

The primary energy source for life on Earth is the sun. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants convert sunlight into chemical energy that is then used by plants and ultimately other organisms for survival and reproduction.

What important fact about the sun can be estimated based on the rate of nuclear fusion occurring in the core?

The energy output of the sun can be estimated based on the rate of nuclear fusion occurring in its core. This energy output is crucial for sustaining life on Earth and understanding the sun's role in the solar system.

What is the most important source of energy life on earth?

the sun

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How is energy linked to the sun?

The sun, like all stars, gets its energy from nuclear fusion. The Earth is only habitable for life because of the sun's radiant energy which reaches us. So we all depend on nuclear energy.

How is the sun linked to nuclear energy?

The sun produces energy through nuclear fusion, a process where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium, releasing vast amounts of energy. This same process serves as the basis for nuclear energy on Earth, where nuclear power plants use controlled nuclear fission reactions to generate electricity.

How does nuclear fusion help the world?

Nuclear fusion has the potential to provide a virtually limitless source of clean energy with minimal environmental impact. It produces no greenhouse gas emissions or long-lived radioactive waste, making it a sustainable energy option for the future. Additionally, fusion energy could help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and aid in mitigating climate change.