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A talus slope is formed by the accumulation of rock fragments that have fallen off a steep rock face due to weathering and gravity. This mass movement is known as rockfall or cliff collapse.

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Q: What type of mass movement would produce talus slope?
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Where would you expect to find talus?

You would expect to find talus at the base of a cliff or steep slope. Talus consists of loose, fragmented rock debris that has accumulated from the erosion of the cliff or slope above. It often forms a slope of angular rocks and boulders created by gravity pulling the rock fragments downhill.

What slope would most likely produce a mass movement?

A steep slope with loose, unconsolidated material is more likely to produce mass movements due to the force of gravity. Higher precipitation levels and seismic activity can also increase the likelihood of mass movements on slopes.

What is the sudden movement of rock and soil down a slope?

The sudden movement of rock and soil down a slope is called a landslide. It can be triggered by factors such as heavy rainfall, seismic activity, or human activities that destabilize the slope. Landslides can pose serious hazards to people and infrastructure in affected areas.

Which set of conditions would produce the most runoff of precipitation?

The most runoff of precipitation would occur in areas with saturated soil due to previous rainfall, steep slopes that promote water flow, impermeable surfaces like concrete or asphalt that prevent infiltration, and high-intensity rainfall events that exceed the soil's infiltration capacity.

What is rock and soil and sand that fall due to gravity?

That would be called a landslide, which is the movement of rock, soil, and sand down a slope due to the force of gravity. It can occur suddenly or gradually depending on various factors such as slope, soil composition, and water content. Landslides can cause significant damage to property and pose risks to human life and infrastructure.

Related questions

Where would you expect to find talus?

You would expect to find talus at the base of a cliff or steep slope. Talus consists of loose, fragmented rock debris that has accumulated from the erosion of the cliff or slope above. It often forms a slope of angular rocks and boulders created by gravity pulling the rock fragments downhill.

What is a non vertical rock face called Like a gravel slide just made of granite?

A slope of unconsolidated slope of granite gravels would be called a scree slide. The toe of such a slope would be known as the 'talus' - a word meaning ankle. And thus referring to the gentle curve.

How many degrees in a slope would most likely produce a mass movement?

That depends on what the "mass" is made of. The angle of repose depends on the material the slope is made from and the presence (amount) of water in the material. Fs = Shear Strength/Shear Stress

What would movement at a constant rate look like on a graph?

The equation for this would be linear and therefore produce a straight line, however the line can have slope so : ------ or / or | or any straight line in any direction.

What slope would most likely produce a mass movement?

A steep slope with loose, unconsolidated material is more likely to produce mass movements due to the force of gravity. Higher precipitation levels and seismic activity can also increase the likelihood of mass movements on slopes.

How does the cardiovascular and respiratory systems work together to produce movement?

The muscles and bones work together to produce movement but without oxygen and a good heart rate movement would not be possible either.

What is the name of the bone in the lower leg between the knee and ankle?

It is one of the tarsal bones called calcaneous_____________________________I would argue that the talus is the bone of the foot that connects with the leg.The tibial plafond, together with the lateral malleolus of the fibula, articulate with the talus (a tarsal bone). The talus then in turn articulates with the calcaneous.

What is top of foot called?

If you consider which bone bears the most weight, it would be the talus.

What is the slope of a horizontial line?

The slope would be zero.In contrast, the slope of a vertical line would be infinite.

If you have a 3to1 slope what percentage slope would that be?


What would a graph that has a negative slope show?

It would have a downhill slope from left to right

Is 5x - 3 a slope of 0?

this would be a slope of 5