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The type of forest that grows in Hawaii I a tropical moist broadleaf forest. Coastal Mesic forest are at elevations from sea level to 980 feet. Mixed Mesic forests are at elevation of 2460 to 4100 feet.

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3mo ago

Hawaii has several types of forests, including tropical rainforests, cloud forests, and dry forests. These forests are characterized by their unique plant and tree species, such as Ohia lehua and Koa trees. Each type of forest in Hawaii has its own distinct ecosystem and biodiversity.

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Q: What type of forest grow in Hawaii?
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What type of soil does the Boreal Forest have?

The Boreal Forest typically has acidic and nutrient-poor soil, which is known as podzol soil. This type of soil is often characterized by a thick organic layer on top and a leached mineral horizon underneath, making it challenging for some plant species to grow.

What do you call the process when a forest grows back after a forest fire?

The process of a forest regrowing after a forest fire is called forest regeneration. This involves new plants growing from seeds, roots, or sprouts in the burned areas. Over time, the forest ecosystem rebuilds itself and returns to its original state.

What is the type of soil in evergreen forest?

The type of soil in an evergreen forest is typically acidic and nutrient-rich. It is often well-drained and has a high organic content due to the decomposition of plant material on the forest floor. This type of soil is ideal for supporting the diverse plant life found in evergreen forests.

What US state could a person visit a tropical rain forest?

Hawaii is the only US state where you can find a tropical rainforest. The island of Kauai in particular is home to diverse and lush rainforests. Travelers can explore the Na Pali Coast and Waimea Canyon for a taste of Hawaii's natural beauty.

How tall are the trees on the forest floor of the amazon rainforest?

Trees on the forest floor of the Amazon rainforest can vary in height, but generally they are shorter than the canopy trees that make up the upper layers of the forest. They typically range from around 10 to 30 meters in height.

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grass, trees, moss, and ants

What type of plants grow in the tropical rain forest?

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What type of succession occur after a forest fire?

Secondary succesion because the forest or life has to grow again! :)

What type of plants grow in the amazon forest?

plants such as the lilly pad ect.

Popular forests of Hawaii?

whta is the most popular forest in hawaii

What type of forest do pine trees grow in?

Pine trees grow in coniferous forest, usually in northern regions, where the climate is cold and the soil rich enough to sustain them.

Can large areas of plantations of same type of trees like eucalyptus be called forest Why?

Because in forest grow so many types of trees . .. in forest so many medicine plants also grow .. like eucalyptus trees .....

Do evergreen trees grow in Hawaii?

Evergreens do not grow in Hawaii because evergreens only grow in temperate places.

Which kind of tree does not grow in the rain forest?

Maple is does not grow in the rain forest :)