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Lightning is a form of static electricity

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14y ago
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4mo ago

Lightning is a form of electrical energy that occurs due to the discharge of static electricity in the atmosphere.

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14y ago

Lightning is a stationary static electricity that is cause by the leap of electron bouncing of the clouds which cause it to create heat and light.

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12y ago

i am a girl dat get lics and make them pay to do stuff lol im a hoe huh

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11y ago

Yes, it is. (:

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15y ago

Lightning is an electrostatic discharge.

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13y ago

electric enegry

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9y ago

Lightning is primarily electrical energy.

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12y ago


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4y ago

To calculate power, divide the amount of energy transferred by ____________________________.

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Q: Lightning is a form of what energy?
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Lightning is form of what kind of energy?

Lightning is a form of electrical energy caused by the build-up and discharge of electricity in the atmosphere during thunderstorms.

Is lightning a thermal energy?

Yes, lightning is a form of thermal energy as it is associated with high temperatures. Lightning is caused by the rapid heating of the air due to the flow of electrical current during a thunderstorm.

Is lightning a form of electromagnetic energy?

Yes, lightning is a natural form of electrical discharge that generates electromagnetic energy in the form of radio waves, visible light, and heat.

Is thermal energy required to form lightning?

No, lightning is just a big spark of static electricity.

How is sound created during a lightning storm?

Lightning is a form of energy, it builds up in the clouds and when it is released you see the energy but the sound forms because the lightning has so much energy it splits the air molecules.

What form of energy is lighting?

Light is a type of energy known as radiant energy.

What forms of energy does lightning produce?

Lightning produces thermal energy as a result of the high temperatures generated during the electrical discharge. It also creates sound energy in the form of thunder as a result of the rapid expansion and contraction of air. Additionally, lightning can produce light energy in the form of visible light as it ionizes the air particles along its path.

What basic form of energy is present in a lightning bolt?

The basic form of energy present in a lightning bolt is electrical energy. It is generated from the build-up and discharge of electrical charges in the atmosphere during thunderstorms.

Is thunder thermal and kinetic energy?

Thunder is not thermal or kinetic energy. Thunder is the sound produced by the rapid expansion of air heated by lightning. Lightning itself is a form of electrical energy converted into heat and light.

Is an example of radiant energy Lightning bolt Pot of water on a stove Television Sunlight?

Yes, all of those examples involve radiant energy. Lightning is a natural form of radiant energy, the stove transfers radiant heat to the pot of water, a television emits radiation in the form of light and sound, and sunlight is a primary source of radiant energy for the Earth.

What is another type of energy associated by lightning?

Another type of energy associated with lightning is thermal energy. When lightning strikes, it produces temperatures of up to 30,000 kelvins (53,540 degrees Fahrenheit), making it hotter than the surface of the sun. This intense heat is a form of thermal energy released during a lightning strike.

Why is lightning an example of electrical energy?

Lightning is an example of electrical energy because it results from the movement of electrically charged particles within a cloud or between a cloud and the ground. The discharge of this energy in the form of a lightning bolt produces a sudden and powerful flow of electricity through the atmosphere.