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The type and age of rock found in a mountain range that are also found on another continent suggest that the two landmasses were once connected as part of a larger supercontinent. The presence of similar rocks indicates that they share a common geological history and were once part of the same landmass before continental drift separated them.

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Q: What type and age of rock found in this mountain range are also found on another continent what might this mean?
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The type and age of rocks found in this mountain range are also found on another continent what might this mean?

This could indicate that the two continents were once connected or part of the same landmass that later diverged due to plate tectonics. The presence of similar rocks suggests a shared geological history between the two locations.

Is there another word for continent?

There is no perfect synonym for the noun continent although it might be less specifically called a "landmass."The adjective continent (austere) might have the synonyms abstinent/abstentious or restrained. In the more specific sense (chaste) it could have synonyms pure, virtuous, or celibate.

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The type and age of rocks found in this mountain range are also found on another continent. what might this means?

This could indicate that the two continents were once connected as part of a larger landmass or plate before drifting apart due to plate tectonics. The presence of similar rocks on different continents suggests they share a geological history and may have formed under similar conditions.

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That particular animal might not be found on the Eurasian Continent, unless it was imported to it.

What is a example of the word crag?

An example of the word "crag" might be a steep or rugged rock outcropping found on a mountain or cliff face.

Is mountain an adjective?

The word mountain can be used as an adjective. You might have a mountain bike, or mountain gear, or you might hike a mountain pass or trail.

What animals are found in the mountains?

What I think is that the animals which live in the mountains are a few might not be able to see one .there might be a Fox or something like that living in the mountains.

What continent doesn't have a continent?

Every "continent" has a "continent."If you meant a continent that doesn't have a country, it is Antarctica.If you meant country that doesn't have a continent, it could be the islands of Polynesia, which at best are grouped with Australia as Oceania. Hawaii (a US state) is another location that might not have a specific continent.Australia is a continent that is an island, or an island that is a continent. The country of Australia, however, includes several other islands besides the big one.

What is another word for continent?

There is no perfect synonym for the noun continentalthough it might be less specifically called a "landmass."The adjective continent (austere) might have the synonyms abstinent/abstentious or restrained. In the more specific sense (chaste) it could have synonyms pure, virtuous, or celibate.

What is the antonym base of a mountain?

An antonym is the opposite term. The opposite of the base of the mountain would be the top. Another term for this would be the peak or the summit. You might also say the climax or the cap.

What conclusion did Vespucci form about the lands that he Columbus and caboto had reached?

the conclusion that Vespucci had formed about the lands that he, Columbus, and Cabato had reached is that the land he, Columbus, and cabato had reached was not Asia. The land that they had found had to be another Continent.....the "new world" that some Europeans thought might be there.