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I can think of four things that cause sudden changes to the earth's surface: Impact of a large object from space (such as Meteor Crater in Arizona), earthquake, volcanic eruption or explosion (Krakatoa is a prime example), and nuclear explosion (the atomic bomb caused very sudden and complete change to Hiroshima and Nagasaki). Every rain shower causes some change to the earth's surface, but I think you were asking about more dramatic examples.

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Natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and tsunamis can cause sudden changes to the Earth's surface. These events are often unpredictable and can have significant impacts on the environment and communities.

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Q: What thing causes sudden changes to the earth's surface?
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What causes a sudden change on earth surface?

A sudden change on Earth's surface can be caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, or meteorite impacts. These events can occur unexpectedly and result in rapid and significant changes to the landscape.

What is the immediate result of a sudden slippage of rocks within earths crust?

The immediate result of a sudden slippage of rocks within Earth's crust is an earthquake. This movement along faults causes seismic waves to propagate through the Earth, leading to shaking of the ground surface.

What is sudden change in geology?

A sudden change in geology refers to a rapid and significant alteration in the Earth's surface features or subsurface structures. This can be caused by natural events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, or impacts from asteroids. These sudden changes can have profound effects on the landscape and ecosystems in the affected areas.

How does a strike slip fault lead to an earthquake?

A strike-slip fault occurs when two blocks of the Earth's crust slide horizontally past each other. Stress builds up along the fault as the blocks try to move past each other, causing them to suddenly release energy in the form of an earthquake when they finally slip. The sudden release of energy sends seismic waves through the Earth, leading to ground shaking and potential damage at the surface.

What gradual or sudden changes can happen to an environment?

Gradual changes in an environment can include erosion, deforestation, and climate change. Sudden changes can involve natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and wildfires, or human-induced events like oil spills or pollution incidents. Both types of changes can have significant impacts on the ecosystem and its inhabitants.

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What causes the earths crust to rise and fall?

The sudden vibration in the plates inside the crust causes the earths crust to rise & fall.

What causes a sudden change on earth surface?

A sudden change on Earth's surface can be caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, or meteorite impacts. These events can occur unexpectedly and result in rapid and significant changes to the landscape.

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What is the immediate result of a sudden slippage of rocks within earths crust?

The immediate result of a sudden slippage of rocks within Earth's crust is an earthquake. This movement along faults causes seismic waves to propagate through the Earth, leading to shaking of the ground surface.

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The surface of the earth moves violently in an what?

The surface of the earth moves violently in an earthquake. This occurs when there is a sudden release of energy in the earths crust. Anything from a volcano to a tectonic plate shift can cause an earthquake.

What causes sudden rain?

water evaporating quickly from earth's surface and condensing quickly forming rain droplets.

Does sudden stratospheric warming lead to cooling on the earth's surface?

Sudden stratospheric warming does lead to cooling on the earth's surface. This occurs due the reversal of high altitude winds that causes them to flow westward instead of eastward. This results in a reduction of the Earth's surface temperature.

What is the sudden of the earths crust?


Are earthquakes the dominant agent for shaping much of the earths surface?

No, erosion by water and ice is the dominant agent for shaping much of the Earth's surface over long periods of time. While earthquakes can cause sudden changes in topography, erosion is the primary force responsible for shaping the Earth's landscapes.

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Yes, it is perfectly natural. This happens as there is hormonal imbalance which causes sudden mood changes.

What is the definition of catastrophism?

The doctrine that the geological changes in the earth's crust have been caused by the sudden action of violent physical causes; -- opposed to the doctrine of uniformism.