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The term used to describe an inland climate that is remote from the moderating influences of large water bodies is a continental climate. These regions often experience wider temperature fluctuations between seasons, with hot summers and cold winters.

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Q: What term is used to describe a inland climate that is remote from the moderating influences of large water bodies?
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Which term is use to describe an inland climate that is remote from the moderating influences of large water bodies?

The term used to describe an inland climate that is remote from the moderating influences of large water bodies is "continental climate." These climates typically experience greater temperature variations between seasons and often have hot summers and cold winters.

What term is used to describe an inland climate that is remote from the moderation influences of large water bodies?

The term used to describe this type of climate is "continental climate". It is characterized by large seasonal temperature variations due to the lack of nearby water bodies to moderate temperatures.

Is used to describe an inland climate that is remote from the moderating influences of large water bodies?

This type of climate is typically referred to as a continental climate. It is characterized by large temperature variations between seasons due to the absence of a nearby body of water to moderate temperature. Continental climates often experience cold winters and hot summers.

What term describes an inland climate that is remote from the moderating influence of large water bodies?

The term you're looking for is "continental climate." This type of climate is characterized by large temperature variations between summer and winter, due to the lack of nearby water bodies to regulate temperature.

What is the definition for marine climate?

A marine climate is a type of climate found near oceans and seas that is influenced by the moderating effect of large bodies of water. It typically features mild temperatures with small seasonal variations, high humidity, and relatively stable weather patterns.

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Which term is use to describe an inland climate that is remote from the moderating influences of large water bodies?

The term used to describe an inland climate that is remote from the moderating influences of large water bodies is "continental climate." These climates typically experience greater temperature variations between seasons and often have hot summers and cold winters.

The term is used to describe an inland climate that is remote from the moderating influences of large water bodies?

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An inland climate that is remote from the moderating influences of large water bodies?

Continental climate is found in areas without significant bodies of water. This causes these areas to experience large variances in temperature between summer and winter.

What term is used to describe an inland climate that is remote from the moderation influences of large water bodies?

The term used to describe this type of climate is "continental climate". It is characterized by large seasonal temperature variations due to the lack of nearby water bodies to moderate temperatures.

Is used to describe an inland climate that is remote from the moderating influences of large water bodies?

This type of climate is typically referred to as a continental climate. It is characterized by large temperature variations between seasons due to the absence of a nearby body of water to moderate temperature. Continental climates often experience cold winters and hot summers.

What is the term used to describe a region's distance away from the moderating influence of the sea?

The term is "continental climate." It refers to a climate found in the interior of continents, far from large bodies of water, resulting in greater temperature variations between seasons.

What term describes an inland climate that is remote from the moderating influence of large water bodies?

The term you're looking for is "continental climate." This type of climate is characterized by large temperature variations between summer and winter, due to the lack of nearby water bodies to regulate temperature.

Is the term to describe a regions distance away from the moderating influence of the sea?

The term is "continental climate." This refers to regions located far from large bodies of water that typically experience greater temperature variations between seasons compared to coastal areas.

What is moderating effect?

Moderating Effects - effect that large climate over nearby land areas. Winter temperatures are warmer and summer temperatures are warmer and summer temperatures are cooler than areas located away from large water bodies. The result is a small annual temperature range.

What is the definition for marine climate?

A marine climate is a type of climate found near oceans and seas that is influenced by the moderating effect of large bodies of water. It typically features mild temperatures with small seasonal variations, high humidity, and relatively stable weather patterns.

Why does the local climate near large bodies of water tend to be milder than in areas far from large bodies of water?

Large bodies of water help regulate temperatures by absorbing heat during the day and releasing it at night, resulting in more stable temperatures near the coast. This process, known as maritime effect, leads to milder climates by moderating extreme temperature fluctuations. Areas far from large bodies of water experience more variability in temperatures due to the lack of this moderating influence.

City a and city b are located 500 km from one another and are the same latitude city a has a much greater annual temperature range than city b the most likely explanation for this fact is that city?

City A likely has a continental climate and is further inland, experiencing greater temperature fluctuations between seasons. City B may have a maritime climate with moderating influences from bodies of water, leading to a smaller annual temperature range.