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The hydrosphere encompasses all liquid and frozen surface water, groundwater, and water vapor found on Earth. It includes oceans, lakes, rivers, glaciers, and underground aquifers, as well as atmospheric water in the form of clouds and water vapor.

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Q: What sphere includes all liquid and frozen surface water groundwater and water vapor?
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Is groundwater a liquid?

Yes, groundwater is typically found in liquid form within the spaces between soil particles and rocks below the Earth's surface.

Which of earth's spheres includes the oceans groundwater lakes and glaciers?

The hydrosphere encompasses the oceans, groundwater, lakes, and glaciers on Earth. It consists of all the water on Earth, whether it's in liquid or frozen form, and plays a crucial role in regulating the planet's climate and supporting life.

What is water that is below the surface called?

Water below the surface is called groundwater. It is found in aquifers underground and is an important source of drinking water and irrigation for agriculture.

Is there any liquid water in the moon?

no Not on the surface; some speculate that there may be frozen water beneath the surface.

How does the Hydrosphere works?

The hydrosphere is a layer of water at or near the Earth's surface. It includes liquid and frozen water and it works by transporting sediment all over the planet.

How does hydrosphere work?

The hydrosphere is a layer of water at or near the Earth's surface. It includes liquid and frozen water and it works by transporting sediment all over the planet.

Which moon has liquid water in it?

It is thought that Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter, may have liquid water beneath a frozen surface.

Is there water on Callisto?

There is no liquid water on Calisto. It does have a lot of ice on its surface, so it has frozen water.

Is Europa's surface made of liquid water?

No, Europa's surface is not made of liquid water. It has a frozen surface made up of a layer of water ice that covers a subsurface ocean of liquid water beneath it.

Do astronomers thinks there could be on europa?

They believe there is liquid water underneath its frozen surface. If there is liquid water on Europa, there might also be life.

Does Jupiter have frozen liquid in its surface?

Jupiter is a cloud/gas planet - there is no surface (so to speak) it is all gaseous clouds constantly swirling.

What moon has a frozen ocean?

Europa, a moon of Jupiter, is believed to have a frozen ocean beneath its icy surface. This ocean is thought to be in contact with a rocky seafloor, potentially providing conditions suitable for life to exist.