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The process is called the water cycle. It involves evaporation of water from oceans and other water bodies, condensation into clouds, precipitation as rain or snow, and runoff that eventually returns water back to the oceans or enters groundwater. This continuous cycle ensures water circulates from the atmosphere to the Earth and back.

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Q: What process circulates water through the atmosphere to the earth and back to the atmosphere?
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What is the never ending path that water takes between earth and the atmosphere?

The never-ending path that water takes between the Earth and the atmosphere is known as the water cycle or hydrological cycle. This cycle involves processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff, through which water continuously circulates between the Earth's surface, the atmosphere, and back again.

How does earth bounce back heat into the atmosphere?

Earth bounces back heat into the atmosphere through a process called "radiative transfer," where heat energy from the Earth's surface is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and then re-emitted in all directions. This process helps maintain the Earth's temperature and energy balance.

How does air circulate around Earth's surface?

Air circulates around Earth's surface through a process called atmospheric circulation. This occurs due to the temperature differences between the equator and the poles, creating pressure systems that drive winds. The rotation of the Earth also influences the direction of these winds through the Coriolis effect.

How does air circulate in the atmosphere?

Air circulates in the atmosphere due to the uneven heating of the Earth's surface by the Sun. This creates temperature and pressure differences in the atmosphere, leading to the movement of air masses. Winds, storms, and other weather patterns help distribute air throughout the atmosphere.

When earth cools most of the energy transferred from earth's surface to space is transferred by the process of what?

When Earth cools, most of the energy is transferred from Earth's surface to space through radiation. This process involves the emission of infrared radiation from the Earth's surface that travels through the atmosphere and into space.

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Process by which carbon circulates around the earth as plants remove carbon from the atmosphere and animal add carbon to the atmosphere?

The carbon cycle

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The way the mantle circulates is through the process of convection. It refers to the transfer of heat from the Earth's core to the surface.

What is the never ending path that water takes between earth and the atmosphere?

The never-ending path that water takes between the Earth and the atmosphere is known as the water cycle or hydrological cycle. This cycle involves processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff, through which water continuously circulates between the Earth's surface, the atmosphere, and back again.

How does earth bounce back heat into the atmosphere?

Earth bounces back heat into the atmosphere through a process called "radiative transfer," where heat energy from the Earth's surface is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and then re-emitted in all directions. This process helps maintain the Earth's temperature and energy balance.

How does air circulate around Earth's surface?

Air circulates around Earth's surface through a process called atmospheric circulation. This occurs due to the temperature differences between the equator and the poles, creating pressure systems that drive winds. The rotation of the Earth also influences the direction of these winds through the Coriolis effect.

What is the weter cycle?

The water cycle is the continuous process through which water circulates between the Earth's surface and the atmosphere. It involves processes such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff, which help regulate and distribute water across different regions of the planet. This cycle is essential for sustaining life on Earth and plays a key role in shaping the environment.

What is the process by which carbon circulates around the earth as plants remove carbon from the atmosphere and animals add carbon to the atmosphere?

The process is called photosynthesis. It is caused by sunlight and performed by chlorophyl (the stuff that causes leaves to be green). The combination of sun light and chlorophyl turns carbon dioxyde into oxygen. Only green plants can do this.

How does air circulate in the atmosphere?

Air circulates in the atmosphere due to the uneven heating of the Earth's surface by the Sun. This creates temperature and pressure differences in the atmosphere, leading to the movement of air masses. Winds, storms, and other weather patterns help distribute air throughout the atmosphere.

When earth cools most of the energy transferred from earth's surface to space is transferred by the process of what?

When Earth cools, most of the energy is transferred from Earth's surface to space through radiation. This process involves the emission of infrared radiation from the Earth's surface that travels through the atmosphere and into space.

The major process by which water in the atmosphere is returned to the earth is?

The major process by which water in the atmosphere is returned to the earth is through precipitation. This includes rain, snow, sleet, and hail. When the water droplets in the clouds become heavy enough, they fall back to the earth's surface.

How is Water added to the atmosphere?

Water is added to the atmosphere through a process called evaporation. This happens when the sun heats up water on the surface of the Earth.