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2w ago

Groundwater makes up about 0.6% of the Earth's total water volume.

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Q: What percentage of earths surface water is ground water?
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What percentage of earths water is surface water?


What is water called underneath the earths surface?

Ground water.

A supply of water that lies deep beneath earths surface?

Groundwater is a supply of water that is stored beneath the earth's surface in saturated rock formations called aquifers. It is accessed through wells and boreholes for drinking water and irrigation purposes. Groundwater can be replenished through rainfall and infiltration.

What percentage of Earth's surface water is ground water?

Approximately 30% of Earth's fresh water is groundwater, with the majority being stored beneath the surface of the Earth in underground aquifers. Groundwater is a valuable resource for drinking water, irrigation, and supporting ecosystems.

What percentage of earths surface water is in the form of glacial ice?

Approximately 69%

What percentage of earths surface water is salt water?

About 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered in water, and about 90 percent of that is salt water.

What contains the largest percentage of the Earth?

The largest percentage of the earths surface is covered by water mainly the Oceans (about 71%).

What percentage of the earth's surface is water?

71.13% of the earth is covered by water. Only 3% of that water is fresh water, the rest is salt water.

What is Water that falls to earths surface from the atmosphere as rain snow sleet or hail?

Precipitation is the term used to describe water falling to the Earth's surface from the atmosphere in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail. This process is essential for replenishing water sources and sustaining ecosystems.

What percentage of earths fresh surface water is contain in swamps?

Swamps contain less than 1% of Earth's fresh surface water.

Which of earths sphere includes the oceans ground water lakes and glaciers?

The energy exchanges between space , the atmosphere, and earths surface produce

What Continuous movement of water from Earths surface to the and back to earths surface?

it is water cycle