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Approximately 70% of the world's fresh water is used for farming, primarily for irrigation purposes to grow crops. This highlights the significant role agriculture plays in water consumption globally.

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Q: What percent of the worlds fresh water is used for farming?
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What percent of of the worlds water is fresh?


What precent of water is fresh?

All freshwater on earth (ice caps, glaciers, rivers and lakes) equal about 3 percent of the worlds fresh water. as far as liquid fresh water goes it is below 1 percent.

How much percent of the worlds fresh water frozen?

About 68.7% of the world's fresh water is stored in glaciers and ice caps, making it frozen.

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the majority of the world water is salt water, and about 3% of the worlds water is fresh but 2% of that water is glaciers. so that leaves only 1% of the worlds water supply

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The ice sheet that covers 98% of the Antarctic continent contains about 60% of the earth's fresh water, according to Wikipedia.

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Less than 1% of the world's water is fresh water, with only a small fraction of that being readily accessible for human use. The majority of fresh water is trapped in glaciers, ice caps, and underground aquifers.

What percent of fresh water is useable?

1 percent of fresh water is useable

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20% of the worlds fresh water

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Canada has approximately 20% of the world's fresh water, primarily due to its vast network of lakes and rivers. The country's abundance of fresh water resources plays a crucial role in supporting various ecosystems, industries, and communities.

What the percent of salt water and the percent of fresh water?

In the world,1% is fresh water,2% ice, and 97% salt water.

What fraction of the worlds water is fresh?

fresh flowing surface water is one of our most precious resources