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Sand dunes and rock formations like hoodoos are typically caused by wind erosion, where particles are carried away by the wind and shape the landscape over time.

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Q: What of the following is caused by wind erosion?
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Related questions

What are the 4 major types of erosion?

The four major types of erosion are water erosion (caused by runoff and water flow), wind erosion (caused by wind moving particles), ice erosion (caused by glaciers and ice melt), and gravity erosion (caused by gravity moving rocks and soil downhill).

What are three transporting agents of erosion?

Three transporting agents of erosion are water, wind, and ice. Water erosion is caused by rivers, streams, and rainfall, while wind erosion occurs in arid and windy environments. Ice erosion, known as glacial erosion, is caused by the movement of glaciers.

What is erosion and what are the common types?

Erosion is the process by which soil and rocks are broken down and transported by wind, water, or ice. Common types of erosion include water erosion (caused by rainfall and runoff), wind erosion (caused by wind carrying away soil particles), and glacier erosion (caused by glaciers picking up and moving rocks and debris).

What are four types of erosion?

Four types of erosion are water erosion (caused by flowing water), wind erosion (caused by the action of wind), glacial erosion (caused by moving glaciers), and gravitational erosion (caused by gravity pulling material downhill).

What are the three main types of erosion?

The 3 main types of glacial erosion are plucking, abrasion and freeze thaw.

The moving of weathered rocks and soil by wind water or ice is called?

erosion, which is caused by wind or water

Does earths tilt cause erosion?

N0- erosion is caused by wind and by water.

What is erosion caused by wind that can lower the land surface?

scour, or eolian erosion

What are the four agents of erosion?

The four agents of erosion are water, wind, ice, and gravity. Water erosion is caused by rivers, streams, and rainfall. Wind erosion occurs when wind carries and deposits sediment. Ice erosion is caused by glaciers moving and carving the land. Gravity erosion involves materials being pulled downhill due to gravity.

Is desert pavement commonly formed by water erosion?

No, desert pavement is caused by wind erosion - deflation.

Wheathering and erosion of earths crust are primarily caused by?

water wind.

Is a erosion caused by wind a chemical change?

No, erosion caused by wind is a physical change, not a chemical change. The wind is simply moving particles of rock or soil from one place to another without altering their chemical composition.