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I am 200% sure that the answer is erosion

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Edwin Mitchell

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2y ago
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2mo ago

This process is called erosion, where wind or water moves rocks and soil from one location to another. Erosion can shape the Earth's surface over time by wearing down and transporting materials, leading to the formation of features like valleys, canyons, and beaches. It is a natural process that can be both constructive and destructive, depending on the circumstances.

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Q: What occurs when wind or moving water causes rocks and soil to be?
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What occurs when wind or moving water causes rock and soil to be relocated?

I am 200% sure that the answer is erosion

What happens to rocks that are in moving water?

They are eroded by the water.

Wind water and ice are causes of?

Wind, water, and ice are causes of weathering and erosion on Earth's surface. Wind erosion happens when wind carries and deposits sediment, water erosion occurs when flowing water wears away rocks and soil, and ice erosion occurs when glaciers and ice sheets move and shape the landscape.

Which process causes rocks to weather to a reddish color?

Oxidation is the process that causes rocks to weather to a reddish color. This occurs when iron-bearing minerals in the rocks react with oxygen in the presence of water, leading to the formation of iron oxide, which is commonly known as rust and gives the rocks a reddish hue.

Which type of weathering occurs when water seeps into cracks of rocks and freezes?

It is a form of weathering known as frost wedging.

How many main causes cause mechanical weathering?

There are two main causes of mechanical weathering: frost action and abrasion. Frost action occurs when water seeps into cracks in rocks, freezes, and expands, causing the rocks to break apart. Abrasion happens when rocks are physically broken down by forces like wind, water, or glaciers.

How does water effect erosion?

The water loosens the rocks. Then it knocks over other rocks. Then that causes an erosion

What causes moving water to drop sediments it is carrying?

Moving water drops sediments it is carrying when its velocity slows down. This can happen when the water enters a wider channel, encounters obstacles like rocks or vegetation, or when the gradient of the river decreases, allowing sediments to settle out of suspension.

What is the natural process that causes rock to breakdown?

Weathering from mechanical and chemical means is the process that causes rocks to become smaller and smaller; wind, rain, the sun, the freeze/thaw cycle, moving glaciers, chemical reactions, and gravity are some of the causes of weathering.

What is the major agent of moving water?

The major agent of moving water is the force of gravity, which causes water to flow down slopes and erode the land. Other factors such as wind and the shape of the land also influence the movement of water.

What is in glaciers that causes erosion?

water and rocks salts

Can water cause physical weathering?

Yes, water can cause physical weathering through processes such as freeze-thaw action and hydraulic action. In freeze-thaw action, water seeps into cracks in rocks, freezes, expands, and causes the rock to break apart. Hydraulic action occurs when fast-moving water erodes and physically breaks down rocks over time.