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Crop rotation is a method that can help soil recover from overuse. By alternating crops in a field, different plants can replenish nutrients in the soil, prevent soil erosion, and control pests and diseases, leading to healthier soil for future plant growth.

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Q: What method allowed soil to recover from?
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What method allowed soil to recover?

Crop rotation is a method that allows soil to recover by alternating different crops in a sequential order on the same land. Different crops have different nutrient needs, so rotating them helps prevent soil depletion, improves soil health, and reduces the likelihood of pests and diseases building up in the soil.

What method allowed soil to recover from cash crop production but was impossible for poor poor farmers?

Leaving fields unplanted allowed soil to recover from cash crops production, but it was impossible for poor farmers who needed the money from the sale of their crops.

What are the method of collecting undisturbed soil sample?

One method is using a soil auger to collect a cylindrical sample by rotating it into the ground. Another method involves using a split-spoon sampler driven into the ground to obtain a undisturbed soil core. Careful excavation with a soil core sampler can also help collect undisturbed soil samples.

What is a method of renewing soil fertlity?

One method of renewing soil fertility is through crop rotation, where different types of plants are grown in succession to help replenish nutrients in the soil. Another method is using organic matter, such as compost or manure, to add nutrients back into the soil. Additionally, planting cover crops can help prevent erosion and add organic material to the soil when they are tilled back in.

What is the name of the method that planting without soil?

The method of planting without soil is called hydroponics. It involves growing plants in a nutrient-rich water solution rather than traditional soil. This method allows for more controlled growing conditions and can result in increased plant growth and yields.

Related questions

What method allowed soil to recover?

Crop rotation is a method that allows soil to recover by alternating different crops in a sequential order on the same land. Different crops have different nutrient needs, so rotating them helps prevent soil depletion, improves soil health, and reduces the likelihood of pests and diseases building up in the soil.

What method allowed soil to recover from the cash crop production but was impossible for poor farmers?

Leaving fields unplanted allowed soil to recover from cash crops production, but it was impossible for poor farmers who needed the money from the sale of their crops.

What method allowed soil to recover from cash crop production but was impossible for farmers?

One method proposed to allow soil to recover from cash crop production was letting fields lie fallow (unused) while they recovered nutrients. This was impractical for poor farmers who needed to use as much land as possible to raise as much crops as possible.

What method allowed soil to recover from cash production but was impossible for poor farmers?

One method proposed to allow soil to recover from cash crop production was letting fields lie fallow (unused) while they recovered nutrients. This was impractical for poor farmers who needed to use as much land as possible to raise as much crops as possible.

What method allowed soil to recover from cash crop production but was impossible for poor poor farmers?

Leaving fields unplanted allowed soil to recover from cash crops production, but it was impossible for poor farmers who needed the money from the sale of their crops.

How do you recover uranium?

you recover it by digging it up out of the soil orrocks.

What method allowed soil to recover from cash crop production but was impossibe foor poor farmers?

Spreading over the soil with animal manure, which replaces nutrients and adds humus and texture to the soil. Allowing some ground to lay fallow for a season, which also prevents top soil blowing away. Growing a crop of clover, peas, field beans, etc, that is ploughed into the ground and is known as green manuring. All of which subsistence farmers would be unable to do.

How can over cultivation be corrected?

The main cause of over cultivation is when animals are allowed to feed on the same spot of ground for too long. This can be corrected by rotating where animals are fed and allowing the soil to recover.

How do you Separate mixture of soil and sugar?

To separate a mixture of soil and sugar, you can use a method called filtration. Pass the mixture through a filter such as a sieve or filter paper. The sugar will dissolve in water, while the soil will remain behind as residue on the filter. The water containing the dissolved sugar can then be evaporated to recover the sugar.

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