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This occurs at the subtropical latitudes around 30 degrees N and 30 degrees S, known as the horse latitudes. Here, there is a high-pressure area in the atmosphere that results in descending air masses, inhibiting precipitation and causing arid conditions.

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Q: What latitude is precipitation insufficient to supply all he evaporation that takes place?
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How Does Water Replenishing Itself On Earth?

Water replenishes itself on Earth through the process of the water cycle. This cycle involves evaporation of water from oceans, lakes, and rivers, condensation into clouds, precipitation as rain or snow, and ultimately running off into bodies of water again. This continuous cycle ensures a constant supply of water on Earth.

By what process is the earths supply of water recycled?

The Earth's supply of water is recycled through the water cycle, which includes processes such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. Water from oceans, lakes, and rivers evaporates into the atmosphere, forms clouds, and then falls back to Earth as precipitation. This cycle helps distribute water across the planet and sustains life.

Which process return water to Earth?

The process that returns water to Earth is called the water cycle. This cycle involves the evaporation of water from the Earth's surface, its transformation into clouds, and then its return to the Earth through precipitation in the form of rain or snow. This continuous process helps to maintain the planet's supply of water.

How does earth's water cycle keep earth's water supply relatively contant?

The Earth's water cycle involves processes like evaporation, precipitation, and runoff, which constantly recycle and redistribute water around the planet. This helps maintain a relatively constant water supply by balancing the amount of water that evaporates with the amount that falls back down as precipitation. Additionally, the presence of large bodies of water like oceans and ice caps play a role in regulating the water cycle and keeping the overall water supply stable.

What causes soil to dry?

Soil dries out when there is high temperature, low humidity, and/or insufficient water supply. Factors like evaporation, wind, and plant transpiration can also contribute to soil drying. Additionally, soil composition, such as the presence of a high content of sand or clay, can affect how quickly soil dries.

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Name three thing that threaten water supply?

condensation, precipitation, and evaporation

How come water doesn't run out?

Earth's water is continuously recycled through evaporation and precipitation, so there is a continuous supply of water for use.

How Does Water Replenishing Itself On Earth?

Water replenishes itself on Earth through the process of the water cycle. This cycle involves evaporation of water from oceans, lakes, and rivers, condensation into clouds, precipitation as rain or snow, and ultimately running off into bodies of water again. This continuous cycle ensures a constant supply of water on Earth.

By what process is the earths supply of water recycled?

The Earth's supply of water is recycled through the water cycle, which includes processes such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. Water from oceans, lakes, and rivers evaporates into the atmosphere, forms clouds, and then falls back to Earth as precipitation. This cycle helps distribute water across the planet and sustains life.

Is saltwater a renewable or nonrenewable resource?

Saltwater is a renewable resource because it is constantly replenished through the water cycle, which includes evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. This process ensures a continuous supply of saltwater on Earth.

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as insufficient oxygenated blood supply to brain

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the decline of prices due to insufficient money supply A+

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Pain associated with the insufficient supply of oxygen to the myocardium is called?


Why do your eyes get bloodshot when you are tired?

Insufficient oxygen supply to the cornea, basically.