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A ridge or a cliff would be most likely to form from a bedrock layer that is resistant to erosion. These features are created when surrounding softer rock is worn away, leaving the harder bedrock exposed.

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Q: What landscape feature is most likely to be formed from a bedrock layer that is resistant to erosion?
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Which landscape feature is most likely to be formed from a bedrock layer that is resitant to eriosn?

A mesa is most likely to be formed from a bedrock layer that is resistant to erosion. Mesas are flat-topped landforms with steep sides, typically found in arid or semi-arid regions where differential erosion has exposed a resistant layer of rock.

What feature is created by the wearing down of soil and bedrock of a river or stream?

The wearing down of soil and bedrock of a river or stream creates a channel, which is a trough or groove formed by the flow of water. This channel path is where the river or stream flows and carries sediment downstream. Over time, erosion can widen and deepen the channel, shaping the landscape.

Is striations a glacial feature caused by erosion?

Yes, striations are a glacial feature caused by the erosion of bedrock as a glacier moves over it. These scratches or grooves are formed by the rocks and debris embedded in the ice scraping against the underlying rock surface.

A high point of land extending into the ocean resistant to erosion?

That is called a headland. It is a coastal landform that is usually made of hard rock and sticks out into the sea, forming a prominent feature along the coastline.

The U-shaped valley produced by the erosion of a valley glacier is called what?

A U-shaped valley produced by the erosion of a valley glacier is called a glacial trough. This distinct feature is carved out by the movement of ice over time, shaping the landscape into a broad and deep valley with steep sides.

Related questions

Which landscape feature is most likely to be formed from a bedrock layer that is resitant to eriosn?

A mesa is most likely to be formed from a bedrock layer that is resistant to erosion. Mesas are flat-topped landforms with steep sides, typically found in arid or semi-arid regions where differential erosion has exposed a resistant layer of rock.

What is a landscape feature that has tilted bedrock called?

a mountain

What feature is created by the wearing down of soil and bedrock of a river or stream?

The wearing down of soil and bedrock of a river or stream creates a channel, which is a trough or groove formed by the flow of water. This channel path is where the river or stream flows and carries sediment downstream. Over time, erosion can widen and deepen the channel, shaping the landscape.

Is striations a glacial feature caused by erosion?

Yes, striations are a glacial feature caused by the erosion of bedrock as a glacier moves over it. These scratches or grooves are formed by the rocks and debris embedded in the ice scraping against the underlying rock surface.

What characteristic landscape features tell you that erosion due to a landslide took place?

The characteristic landscape feature that will show if erosion is due to a landslide is a concave scar on the hillside. A jagged gash in the mountain is not a way to tell if a landslide took place.

What is a phyical feature?

A physical feature is a characteristic of a natural landscape that can be observed and measured, such as mountains, rivers, forests, or valleys. These features are created through natural processes like erosion, deposition, tectonic activity, or weathering.

Which physical feature dominates the landscape of Arabia?

desert is the physical feature dominates the landscape of Arabia.

Which feature often indicates a boundary between landscape regions?

A change in vegetation, elevation, geology, or land use can often indicate a boundary between landscape regions. These features may create distinct transitions between different ecosystems or environments.

Which feature is created by the wearing down of soil and bedrock of a river or stream?


Which land feature do glaciers typically caused by abrasion?

Smooth, polished bedrock

A high point of land extending into the ocean resistant to erosion?

That is called a headland. It is a coastal landform that is usually made of hard rock and sticks out into the sea, forming a prominent feature along the coastline.

The U-shaped valley produced by the erosion of a valley glacier is called what?

A U-shaped valley produced by the erosion of a valley glacier is called a glacial trough. This distinct feature is carved out by the movement of ice over time, shaping the landscape into a broad and deep valley with steep sides.