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I have never seen "spelunker" in any caving literature.

Revising my previous answer, having learnt more about it since, "spelunkers" was name coined by a group of New England caving club for themselves in the 1940s; and rather grandly combines Latin and Greek words for "cave". It was used happily and neutrally in the US (but rarely anywhere else) until the 1960s, when American cavers themselves started to turn it into a derogatory term for poorly-equipped and none-too-competent novices and dilettantes.

[Source: Wikipedia]

The proper term throughout the English-speaking world is "caver".

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3mo ago

Exploring caves is commonly referred to as caving or spelunking. It involves navigating through underground passages, chambers, and tunnels to explore the unique geological formations and features found within caves.

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11y ago

Genuine "exploration", i.e. investigating and surveying a newly-found cave, is called just that, "exploration".

The term is also used loosely for simply visiting a cave as a "tourist caver" for its aesthetic and sporting appeal, but not for visiting a show-cave as an ordinary tourist.

Studying caves and their contents scientifically is called "speleology" and covers a range of scientific disciplines and specialities.

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11y ago

Umm.... i think they are called a spelunker! ++ I know, being one, thathe or she is a "caver", in any English-language text or speech!

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12y ago

Axes, pick axes and lots nore kinds of axes!

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Q: What is it called to explore caves?
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We can let them just be there, and not explore in them.

What do you call a person who likes to explore caves?

A person who likes to explore caves is called a "caver" - if he or she is studying caves' scientific aspects, a "speleologist". Caving is the amateur activity or sport of exploring caves. It was once known as 'spelunking' in the United States and Canada and 'potholing' (from the old Northern English term "pothole" for a cave whose entrance is a shaft open to the surface) in the United Kingdom and Ireland. A person doing this activity is now generally a Caver: Spelunker and Potholer have fallen out of use though "Pothole" survives in a few Northern English caving-club names.. Speleology is the term for the study of caves, whether by amateur or professional scientists.

What do they call people who search caves?

People who search caves are commonly referred to as spelunkers or cavers. They are individuals who explore caves for either recreational purposes or scientific research.

What do you call a person who likes to explore caves with the letters spelunke and r?

A 'spelunker'

What are writing found in caves called?

what are writing found in caves called?

What are the scientists who study caves called?

Scientists who study caves are called speleologists or spelunkers. They investigate the geology, biology, and ecology of caves, as well as the processes that formed them.

What is the study of caves called?

The study of caves is called speleology. Speleologists study the physical characteristics, formation, and geological context of caves, as well as the flora and fauna that inhabit them.

What is a fear of caves called?

The fear of caves in phobia dictionary is called Speluncaphobia.