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The northern plains in India primarily consist of alluvial soil, which is rich in nutrients and suitable for agriculture. This soil is deposited by rivers like the Ganges and its tributaries, making the region very fertile for crops.

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Q: What kind of soil is found in northern plains?
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What is the type of soil found in the northern plains?

The type of soil found in the northern plains is predominantly alluvial soil, which is fertile and rich in nutrients due to deposits from rivers such as the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra. This soil is well-suited for agriculture and supports the cultivation of various crops.

Where is alluvial soil found in India?

Alluvial soil is found in the northern plains of India, which includes states like Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and West Bengal. It is formed by the deposition of silt and clay carried by rivers like the Ganges, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, and Indus. This soil is highly fertile and supports intensive agriculture in the region.

What is the type of soil found in uttrakhand?

The type of soil found in Uttrakhand is mountain soil . Mountain soil is generally pale yellow or brown in colour .This soil is formed due to the breaking of mountain rocks ,by rain ,wind ,ice, and plant roots

Which are the different types of soils found in India give the explanation?

In India, the main types of soils are Alluvial soil, Black soil, Red soil, Laterite soil, and Desert soil. Alluvial soil is rich in nutrients and found in the northern plains. Black soil, also known as Regur soil, is suitable for cotton cultivation and found in Deccan plateau. Red soil is rich in iron and found in areas like Tamil Nadu and Odisha. Laterite soil is found in areas with high rainfall and is low in fertility. Desert soil is found in arid regions like Rajasthan and is low in nutrients.

What type of soil is in the interior plains?

The soil in the Interior Plains of North America is typically fertile and a mix of prairie soils and chernozem soils. Prairie soils are rich in organic matter and nutrients, while chernozem soils are dark, fertile soils found in grassland regions.

Related questions

What is the type of soil found in the northern plains?

The type of soil found in the northern plains is predominantly alluvial soil, which is fertile and rich in nutrients due to deposits from rivers such as the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra. This soil is well-suited for agriculture and supports the cultivation of various crops.

Why are large number of Manda found in northern plains of India?

because of the alluvial soil fond there

What is the importance of northern plains?

Northern plains are so fertile. because the rivers that rise from the Himalayas flow through these plains and they bring some alluvial soil. That is one of the monst importance of Northern Plains.

What is importance of northern plain?

Northern plains are so fertile. because the rivers that rise from the Himalayas flow through these plains and they bring some alluvial soil. That is one of the monst importance of Northern Plains.

Why is the population density higher in the northern plains and kerala?

because of the flat plains with fertile soil and abundant rainfall

Why the Northern plains are called 'the food bowl of India'?

The northern plains in India are called the food bowl, because they have good soil, and plenty of rain.

What kind of soil will you find in the Interior Plains?

some kind. well what did you expect.

What way are the Himalaya responsible for the richness of the soil in the northern plains of the Indian subcontinent?

The Himalaya block the summer monsoon winds and redirectthe rainfall to the plains.

Rich soil abundant resourcesand dense population describe which European region?

Northern European Plains

What resource is found in Georgia's coastal plains?

Good growing soil for crops and such.

Which geo physical activity led to the formation of the northern plains?

The northern plains in India were formed as a result of the deposition of alluvial soil by the rivers originating from the Himalayas. Over millions of years, the rivers gradually brought sediment from the mountains, depositing it in the northern region and creating the vast fertile plains we see today.

Where is alluvial soil found in India?

Alluvial soil is found in the northern plains of India, which includes states like Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and West Bengal. It is formed by the deposition of silt and clay carried by rivers like the Ganges, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, and Indus. This soil is highly fertile and supports intensive agriculture in the region.