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My son is doing a project on this, so we are learning that tellurium is used in a lot of things. It is broken down and used in other metals to make them stronger, stainless steel, solar panels, pennies, copper, and more. We are not finished yet, but that is what we have so far. Happy hunting!

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8mo ago

Tellurium can be found in a variety of items such as electronic devices, solar panels, and certain types of glass. It is also used in some catalysts and in the production of certain types of alloys. Tellurium is a relatively rare element, so it is not found in commonly used everyday items.

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What chemical symbol is Te?

Te is the chemical symbol for tellurium, a metalloid element with atomic number 52.

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The most common isotopes of tellurium are tellurium-128, tellurium-130, tellurium-132, tellurium-128m, and tellurium-130m. These isotopes have varying numbers of neutrons in their nuclei, giving them different atomic masses.

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The old name for tellurium is "sylvanite."


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The family name of Tellurium is the chalcogens.

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The chemical symbol for tellurium is Te.

Is tellurium a metalloids?

Yes, tellurium is a metalloid.

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There are a few elements that contain a metalloid. Some of these are Boron, Silicon, Germanium, Arsenic, Antimony, Tellurium and Polonium.

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Carbon dioxide is not part of sulfur, tellurium, selenium, or polonium. Carbon dioxide is a compound composed of carbon and oxygen atoms. Sulfur, tellurium, selenium, and polonium are elements on the periodic table that do not contain carbon or oxygen in their chemical structures.

What element has 52 protons?

The element with 52 protons is Tellurium, which has the chemical symbol Te. It is a metalloid with a variety of applications in industry and technology.

What is the use of tellurium?

See the link below for the tellurium applications.