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Q: What is water called that is held in rocks and soil below the surface?
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The water in rocks below Earth's surface is called what water?

Ground water

What is Water that is below surface?

Ground water, or an aquifer.

When the pressure of rocks layers pressing on an aquifer above and below squeezes water up to the earths surface it's called an?


When the pressure of rocks layers pressing on an aquifer from above and below squeezes water up to the earths surface it's called an?


What is the water located within the rocks below earth's surface called?

Ground watera suppply of water that lies benth the suface is

What is a movement of ocean water that forms far below the surface of the ocean called?

The water that forms far below the surface is called a Deep Current.

What are rocks close to the surface of the water called?

something with a "r"

Water that collects in permeable rock beneath the surface of earth is called?

Water in rocks (or other porous material) below the ground is called ground water.

What is the water called down below the earth's surface?


What is water found below the surface called?

ground water

What is the area under the surface where rocks and soil are saturated with water?

The area under the surface where rocks and soil are saturated with water is called the water table. It represents the boundary between the unsaturated zone above and the saturated zone below, where all spaces between particles are filled with water. The water table fluctuates in response to factors such as rainfall, evaporation, and groundwater extraction.

What is water that is below the surface called?

Water below the surface is called groundwater. It is found in aquifers underground and is an important source of drinking water and irrigation for agriculture.